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Wrong spark history redirection for finished jons

Master Collaborator


 I changed the spark history server in my cluster before several weeks.

I notice that when i'm clicking a finished spark job from cloudera manager, it's not directing me to the right spark history server url, while when i change the url manually i can see the finished the job.


Try setting the spark.yarn.historyServer.address manually as I mentioned previously.

It is a Spark configuration setting.

"Otherwise you will need to specify it manually in the Spark Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for spark-conf/spark-defaults.conf or History Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for spark-history-server.conf."

Master Collaborator

Tried both with no success


Under /etc/spark/conf.cloudera.spark_on_yarn/spark-defaults.conf at the 2 RM i added also tried to add it using CM and still not directing to the right history server.



When you added it through CM did it show up in the spark-default.conf?

Master Collaborator

No, In one RM it was but the other RM was not, i changed it manually in the spark default at the 2 RMs and kept if the spark client configuration through CM

Master Collaborator

i searched all the config files at the resource managers for spark and all of them directs the history spark server to the right one, where i can track the error of the redirection.


Master Collaborator

Any new insights?

Master Collaborator

Anyone who faced the same issue or have any insight how to solve this issue?

Rising Star

This issue only can occur if spark-default.conf has the wrong config and getting overwritten from safety valve or it got changed manually from command line.


Maybe try deleting the role and add on a new host and do deploy client config and see what happens.



Master Collaborator

This issue only can occur if spark-default.conf has the wrong config and getting overwritten from safety valve or it got changed manually from command line.


which servers i should check it's spark-default.conf about the this config, i checked both of resource managers and the parameters is right, and the safetly valve is empty at cloudera manager.


Maybe try deleting the role and add on a new host and do deploy client config and see what happens.


deleting the spark role means that i need to delete the oozie and hive before and i think it's not the right solution for this case.