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How to fix missing and underreplicated blocks?


In my HDFS status summary in Cloudera Manager, I see the followign messages about missing and underreplicated blocks:


  • "2 missing blocks in the cluster. 8,062 total blocks in the cluster. Percentage missing blocks: 0.02%. Critical threshold: any."
  • "6,498 under replicated blocks in the cluster. 8,062 total blocks in the cluster. Percentage under replicated blocks: 80.60%. Critical threshold: 40.00%."

The 2 corrupt files are the following:


hdfs@sandy-quad-1:~$ hdfs fsck -list-corruptfileblocks
14/10/10 16:51:59 WARN ssl.FileBasedKeyStoresFactory: The property 'ssl.client.truststore.location' has not been set, no TrustStore will be loaded
Connecting to namenode via http://sandy-quad-1.sslab.lan:50070
The list of corrupt files under path '/' are:
blk_1074173133 /user/history/done/2014/10/07/000001/job_1412322902461_1076-1412674739294-bart-hadoop%2Dmapreduce%2Dclient%2Djobclient%2D2.3.0%2Dcdh5.1.2%2Dt-1412674771395-10-1-SUCCEEDED-root.bart-1412674749886.jhist
blk_1074173134 /user/history/done/2014/10/07/000001/job_1412322902461_1076_conf.xml
The filesystem under path '/' has 2 CORRUPT files

 What is the best way to fix these two corrupt files and also fix the underreplicated block problem?

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