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Sqoop with --hive-import on Kerberos based cluster

Expert Contributor

Hello everyone!


I have a Kerberos based cluster where I need to schedule several Oozie workflows. 

Normal sqoop and shell actions work fine, but I am having problems with sqoop actions that import data in hive tables (--hive-import). I've tried to use hcat credentials in the workflow but I got the following error in Oozie web console:


JA009: org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException : 9001 : Exception occurred while processing HCat request : TException while getting delegation token.. Cause : org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException

This is the workflow:


<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5" name="wf-hive">

        <credential name='hcat_credentials' type='hcat'>

    <start to="HIVE_IMPORT"/>
    <action name="HIVE_IMPORT" cred="hcat_credentials">
                <delete path="hdfs://trmas-6b8bc78c.xxxxx.yyyy:8020/user/myuser/mytable"/>
            <arg>SELECT * from mytable WHERE $CONDITIONS</arg>
        <ok to="END_NODE"/>
        <error to="KILL_NODE"/>

    <kill name="KILL_NODE">

    <end name="END_NODE"/>



I am not sure how to valorize hcat.metastore.uri and hcat.metastore.principal properties...I have used the values of respectfully hive.metastore.uris and hive.metastore.kerberos.principal from the hive-site.xml, is this correct?


Unfortunately I can't use Sqoop2 and its support for HiveServer2 authentication because the Cloudera Teradata connector does not support Sqoop2 yet, thus I think I should authenticate with the HCat credentials.


Please anyone can provide any help on this one? 


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