{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red64\green11\blue217;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0; \red46\green174\blue187;\red180\green36\blue25;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;\csgray\c100000;\cssrgb\c32308\c18668\c88227;\csgray\c100000;\csgray\c0; \cssrgb\c20196\c73240\c78250;\cssrgb\c76409\c21698\c12524;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww25860\viewh14540\viewkind0 \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \CocoaLigature0 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # distributed with this work for additional information\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # limitations under the License.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Graph Database Configs #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Graph Database\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #Configures the graph database to use. Defaults to Titan 0.5.4.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.graphdb.backend=org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.titan0.Titan0GraphDatabase\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Graph Storage\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.storage.backend\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 hbase\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.storage.hbase.table\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 apache_atlas_titan\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #Hbase\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #For standalone mode , specify localhost\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #for distributed mode, specify zookeeper quorum here - For more information refer http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/docs/titan/current/hbase.html#_remote_server_mode_2\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.storage.hostname\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 localhost\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.storage.hbase.regions-per-server\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 1\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.storage.lock.wait-time\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 10000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.storage.hbase.table\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 apache_atlas_titan\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.audit.hbase.tablename\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 apache_atlas_entity_audit\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Gremlin Query Optimizer\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Enables rewriting gremlin queries to maximize performance. This flag is provided as\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # a possible way to work around any defects that are found in the optimizer until they\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # are resolved.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.query.gremlinOptimizerEnabled=true\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Delete handler\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # This allows the default behavior of doing "soft" deletes to be changed.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Allowed Values:\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.SoftDeleteHandler - all deletes are "soft" deletes\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.HardDeleteHandler - all deletes are "hard" deletes\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.DeleteHandler.impl=org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.SoftDeleteHandler\ \ # Entity audit repository\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # This allows the default behavior of logging entity changes to hbase to be changed.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Allowed Values:\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # org.apache.atlas.repository.audit.HBaseBasedAuditRepository - log entity changes to hbase\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # org.apache.atlas.repository.audit.NoopEntityAuditRepository - disable the audit repository\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.EntityAuditRepository.impl\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 org.apache.atlas.repository.audit.HBaseBasedAuditRepository\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Graph Search Index\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.index.search.backend\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 solr5\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #Solr\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #Solr cloud mode properties\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.index.search.solr.mode\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 cloud\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.index.search.solr.zookeeper-url\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 localhost:2181\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.index.search.solr.zookeeper-connect-timeout\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 60000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.graph.index.search.solr.zookeeper-session-timeout\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 60000\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #Solr http mode properties\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.graph.index.search.solr.mode=http\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.graph.index.search.solr.http-urls=http://localhost:8983/solr\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Notification Configs #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.embedded\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 true\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.data\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 $\{sys:atlas.home\}/data/kafka\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.zookeeper.connect\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 localhost:9026\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.bootstrap.servers\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 localhost:9027\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.zookeeper.session.timeout.ms\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 400\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 200\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.zookeeper.sync.time.ms\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 20\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.auto.commit.interval.ms\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 1000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.auto.offset.reset\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 smallest\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.hook.group.id\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 atlas\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.kafka.auto.commit.enable\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 false\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.create.topics\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 true\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.replicas\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 1\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.topics\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 ATLAS_HOOK,ATLAS_ENTITIES\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.log.failed.messages\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 true\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # If saving messages is enabled, the file name to save them to. This file will be created under the log directory of the hook's host component - like HiveServer2\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.failed.messages.filename\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 atlas_hook_failed_messages.log\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.consumer.retry.interval\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 500\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.notification.hook.retry.interval\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 1000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Enable for Kerberized Kafka clusters\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.notification.kafka.service.principal=kafka/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.notification.kafka.keytab.location=/etc/security/keytabs/kafka.service.keytab\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Client Configs #########\ \cf5 atlas.client.readTimeoutMSecs\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 60000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.client.connectTimeoutMSecs\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 60000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.rest.address\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 ://: - default http://localhost:21000\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Hive Lineage Configs #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 ## Schema\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.lineage.schema.query.hive_table\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 hive_table where __guid='%s'\\, columns\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.lineage.schema.query.Table\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 Table where __guid='%s'\\, columns\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ## Server port configuration\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.http.port=21000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.https.port=21443\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Search Configs ##########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Default limit used when limit is not specified in API\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.search.defaultlimit\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 100\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Maximum limit allowed in API. Limits maximum results that can be fetched to make sure the atlas server doesn't run out of memory\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.search.maxlimit\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 10000\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Security Properties #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # SSL config\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.enableTLS\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 false\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #truststore.file=/path/to/truststore.jks\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #cert.stores.credential.provider.path=jceks://file/path/to/credentialstore.jceks\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #following only required for 2-way SSL\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #keystore.file=/path/to/keystore.jks\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Authentication config\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.authentication.method.kerberos\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 false\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.authentication.method.file\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 true\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #### ldap.type= LDAP or AD\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.authentication.method.ldap.type\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 none\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #### user credentials file\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.authentication.method.file.filename\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 $\{sys:atlas.home\}/conf/users-credentials.properties\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ### groups from UGI\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ugi-groups=true\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######## LDAP properties #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.url=ldap://:389\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.userDNpattern=uid=\{0\},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupSearchBase=dc=example,dc=com\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupSearchFilter=(member=uid=\{0\},ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com)\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupRoleAttribute=cn\ #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.base.dn=dc=example,dc=com\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.bind.dn=cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.bind.password=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.referral=ignore\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.user.searchfilter=(uid=\{0\})\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.default.role=\ \ \ ######### Active directory properties #######\ #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.domain=example.com\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.url=ldap://:389\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.base.dn=(sAMAccountName=\{0\})\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.bind.dn=CN=team,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.bind.password=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.referral=ignore\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.user.searchfilter=(sAMAccountName=\{0\})\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.authentication.method.ldap.ad.default.role=\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### JAAS Configuration ########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.loginModuleName = com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.loginModuleControlFlag = required\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.useKeyTab = true\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.storeKey = true\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.serviceName = kafka\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.keyTab = /etc/security/keytabs/atlas.service.keytab\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.principal = atlas/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Server Properties #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.rest.address\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 http://localhost:21000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # If enabled and set to true, this will run setup steps when the server starts\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.run.setup.on.start=false\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Entity Audit Configs #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.audit.hbase.tablename\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 apache_atlas_entity_audit\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.audit.zookeeper.session.timeout.ms\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 1000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.audit.hbase.zookeeper.quorum\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 localhost:2181\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### High Availability Configuration ########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.server.ha.enabled\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 false\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #### Enabled the configs below as per need if HA is enabled #####\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.ids=id1\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.address.id1=localhost:21000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.retry.sleeptime.ms=1000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.num.retries=3\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.session.timeout.ms=20000\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 ## if ACLs need to be set on the created nodes, uncomment these lines and set the values ##\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.acl=:\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.auth=:\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #########POLICY FILE PATH #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.auth.policy.file\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 $\{sys:atlas.home\}/conf/policy-store.txt\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Type Cache Implementation ########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # A type cache class which implements\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.cache.TypeCache.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # The default implementation is org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.cache.DefaultTypeCache which is a local in-memory type cache.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.TypeCache.impl=\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #########authorizer impl class #########\ \cf5 atlas.authorizer.impl\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 SIMPLE\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Performance Configs #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.graph.storage.lock.retries=10\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.graph.storage.cache.db-cache-time=120000\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Business Catalog #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.taxonomy.default.name\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 Catalog\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### CSRF Configs #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.rest-csrf.enabled\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 true\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.rest-csrf.browser-useragents-regex\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 ^Mozilla.*,^Operac.*,^Chrome.*\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.rest-csrf.methods-to-ignore\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 GET,OPTIONS,HEAD,TRACE\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.rest-csrf.custom-header\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 X-XSRF-HEADER\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Enable Taxonomy #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.feature.taxonomy.enable\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 true\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ############ KNOX Configs ################\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.sso.knox.browser.useragent=Mozilla,Chrome,Opera\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.sso.knox.enabled=true\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.sso.knox.providerurl=https://:8443/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.sso.knox.publicKey=\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ############ Atlas Metric/Stats configs ################\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # Format: atlas.metric.query..\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf5 \cb3 atlas.metric.query.cache.ttlInSecs\cf4 \cb3 =\cf6 \cb3 900\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.general.typeCount=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.general.typeUnusedCount=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.general.entityCount=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.general.tagCount=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.general.entityDeleted=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.entity.typeEntities=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.entity.entityTagged=\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.metric.query.tags.entityTags=\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 ######### Compiled Query Cache Configuration #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # The size of the compiled query cache. Older queries will be evicted from the cache\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # when we reach the capacity.\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.CompiledQueryCache.capacity=1000\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 # Allows notifications when items are evicted from the compiled query\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # cache because it has become full. A warning will be issued when\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # the specified number of evictions have occurred. If the eviction\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 # warning threshold <= 0, no eviction warnings will be issued.\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.CompiledQueryCache.evictionWarningThrottle=0\ \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \cf4 \cb3 \ \ \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \cf2 \cb3 ######### Full Text Search Configuration #########\cf4 \cb3 \ \ \cf2 \cb3 #Set to false to disable full text search.\cf4 \cb3 \ \cf2 \cb3 #atlas.search.fulltext.enable=true\cf4 \cb3 \ }