Write-Host "Checking docker daemon..." If ((Get-Process | Select-String docker) -ne $null) { Write-Host "Docker is up and running" } Else { $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Please start Docker service. https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/") return } If ((docker images | Select-String sandbox-hdp) -ne $null) { Write-Host "Found HDP Sandbox image" } Else { $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Please download and load the HDP Sandbox Docker image. https://hortonworks.com/downloads/#sandbox") return } If ((docker ps -a | Select-String sandbox-hdp) -ne $null) { Write-Host "HDP Sandbox container already exists" } Else { Write-Host "Running HDP Sandbox for the first time..." docker run --name sandbox-hdp --hostname "sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com" --privileged -d ` -p 1111:111 ` -p 1000:1000 ` -p 1100:1100 ` -p 1220:1220 ` -p 1988:1988 ` -p 2049:2049 ` -p 2100:2100 ` -p 2181:2181 ` -p 3000:3000 ` -p 4040:4040 ` -p 4200:4200 ` -p 4242:4242 ` -p 5007:5007 ` -p 5011:5011 ` -p 6001:6001 ` -p 6003:6003 ` -p 6008:6008 ` -p 6080:6080 ` -p 6188:6188 ` -p 8000:8000 ` -p 8005:8005 ` -p 8020:8020 ` -p 8032:8032 ` -p 8040:8040 ` -p 8042:8042 ` -p 8080:8080 ` -p 8082:8082 ` -p 8086:8086 ` -p 8088:8088 ` -p 8090:8090 ` -p 8091:8091 ` -p 8188:8188 ` -p 8443:8443 ` -p 8744:8744 ` -p 8765:8765 ` -p 8886:8886 ` -p 8888:8888 ` -p 8889:8889 ` -p 8983:8983 ` -p 8993:8993 ` -p 9000:9000 ` -p 9090:9090 ` -p 9995:9995 ` -p 9996:9996 ` -p 10000:10000 ` -p 10001:10001 ` -p 10015:10015 ` -p 10016:10016 ` -p 10500:10500 ` -p 10502:10502 ` -p 11000:11000 ` -p 15000:15000 ` -p 15002:15002 ` -p 16000:16000 ` -p 16010:16010 ` -p 16020:16020 ` -p 16030:16030 ` -p 18080:18080 ` -p 18081:18081 ` -p 19888:19888 ` -p 21000:21000 ` -p 33553:33553 ` -p 39419:39419 ` -p 42111:42111 ` -p 50070:50070 ` -p 50075:50075 ` -p 50079:50079 ` -p 50095:50095 ` -p 50111:50111 ` -p 60000:60000 ` -p 60080:60080 ` -p 15500:15500 ` -p 15501:15501 ` -p 15502:15502 ` -p 15503:15503 ` -p 15504:15504 ` -p 15505:15505 ` -p 2222:22 sandbox-hdp /usr/sbin/sshd -D | Out-Null } If ((docker ps | Select-String sandbox-hdp) -ne $null) { Write-Host "HDP Sandbox started" } Else { Write-Host "Starting HDP Sandbox..." docker start sandbox-hdp | Out-Host } Write-Host "Starting processes on the HDP Sandbox..." docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "echo ' sandbox.hortonworks.com' >> /etc/hosts" docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql" docker exec -t sandbox-hdp service mysqld start docker exec -t sandbox-hdp service postgresql start docker exec -t sandbox-hdp ambari-server start docker exec -t sandbox-hdp ambari-agent start docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "rm -f /usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext/falcon-oozie-el-extension-*" docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "chown -R hdfs:hadoop /hadoop/hdfs" docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "/etc/init.d/shellinaboxd start" echo "Waiting for ambari agent to connect" | Out-Host docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c " until curl --silent -u raj_ops:raj_ops -H 'X-Requested-By:ambari' -i -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox/hosts/sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com/host_components/ZOOKEEPER_SERVER | grep state | grep -v desired | grep INSTALLED; do sleep 5; echo -n .; done;" echo "Waiting for ambari services to start"| Out-Host docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "until curl --silent --user raj_ops:raj_ops -X PUT -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -d '{\""RequestInfo\"":{\""context\"":\""_PARSE_.START.HDFS\"",\""operation_level\"":{\""level\"":\""SERVICE\"",\""cluster_name\"":\""Sandbox\"",\""service_name\"":\""HDFS\""}},\""Body\"":{\""ServiceInfo\"":{\""state\"":\""STARTED\""}}}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox/services/HDFS | grep -i accept >/dev/null; do echo -n .; sleep 5; done;" docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "until curl --silent --user raj_ops:raj_ops -X PUT -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -d '{\""RequestInfo\"":{\""context\"":\""_PARSE_.START.ALL_SERVICES\"",\""operation_level\"":{\""level\"":\""CLUSTER\"",\""cluster_name\"":\""Sandbox\""}},\""Body\"":{\""ServiceInfo\"":{\""state\"":\""STARTED\""}}}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox/services | grep -i accept > /dev/null; do sleep 5; echo -n .; done;" docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /bin/sh -c "until /usr/bin/curl --silent --user raj_ops:raj_ops -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' \""http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox/requests?to=end&page_size=10&fields=Requests\"" | tail -n 27 | grep COMPLETED | grep COMPLETED > /dev/null; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done;" docker exec -t sandbox-hdp su - hue -c "/bin/bash /usr/lib/tutorials/tutorials_app/run/run.sh &>/dev/null" | Out-Host docker exec -t sandbox-hdp su - hue -c "/bin/bash /usr/lib/hue/tools/start_scripts/update-tutorials.sh &>/dev/null" | Out-Host docker exec -t sandbox-hdp touch /usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/oozie-server/work/Catalina/localhost/oozie/SESSIONS.ser | Out-Host docker exec -t sandbox-hdp chown oozie:hadoop /usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/oozie-server/work/Catalina/localhost/oozie/SESSIONS.ser | Out-Host docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /etc/init.d/tutorials start | Out-Host docker exec -t sandbox-hdp /etc/init.d/splash | Out-Host echo "" | Out-Host echo "Started Hortonworks HDP container" | Out-Host Write-Host "HDP services are up and running. Press any key to continue..." $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") return