2018-02-05 12:41:38.512 INFO: Starting workflow initialization: workflow definition ID = [http://app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet/app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet], workflow instance ID = [zuKyVApDEeij7sd6qUwv4w], workflow process ID = [3,302]. 2018-02-05 12:41:38.512 INFO: The workflow instance has the following recovery options: recovery enabled [true], automatic recovery [true]. 2018-02-05 12:41:38.512 INFO: The workflow instance is about to start: user/security domain = [Administrator/Native], Data Integration Service = [PROD_INFA_DIS], node = [node01]. 2018-02-05 12:41:38.512 INFO: The workflow parameters are resolved with parameter file [/home/minfaadmin/param/datalake/tgt_ff_dynamic_xml_file.xml] from host [Informatica]. 2018-02-05 12:41:54.160 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.514] Process : Ready to execute [/process] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.164 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.514] Partner Link data changed for /process/partnerLinks/partnerLink[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdetPL'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.164 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.522] Partner Link data changed for /process/partnerLinks/partnerLink[@name='Start_EventPL'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.164 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.523] Partner Link data changed for /process/partnerLinks/partnerLink[@name='Start_EventPL'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.164 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.523] Process : Executing [/process] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.164 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.525] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-paramFileData'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.164 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.526] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-paramSetData'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.164 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.526] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-invokersNamespace'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.527] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-ApplicationName'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.528] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-osProfile'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-creationTime'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Flow App_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet: Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Flow App_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet: Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Sequence : Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Sequence : Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Scope Start_Event: Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Scope Start_Event: Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.165 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Sequence : Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Sequence : Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Receive Start_Event: Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/receive[@name='Start_Event']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.529] Receive Start_Event: Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/receive[@name='Start_Event']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.530] Message received on /process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/receive[@name='Start_Event'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.530] Correlation Set initialized for /process/correlationSets/correlationSet[@name='defaultCS'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.530] Variable data changed for /process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/variables/variable[@name='input'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.531] Receive Start_Event: Completed normally [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/receive[@name='Start_Event']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.531] Link : status is true [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/link[@name=$S1]] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.166 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.531] Assign : Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/assign] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.167 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.531] Assign : Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/assign] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.167 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.537] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-invokersNamespace'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.167 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.537] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='sys'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.167 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.537] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='par'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.167 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Variable data changed for /process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/variables/variable[@name='output'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.167 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-paramSetData'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.167 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-creationTime'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-paramFileData'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Variable data changed for /process/variables/variable[@name='wf-osProfile'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Assign : Completed normally [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/assign] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Link : status is true [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/link[@name=$S2]] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Reply Start_Event_Reply: Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/reply[@name='Start_Event_Reply']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.538] Reply Start_Event_Reply: Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/reply[@name='Start_Event_Reply']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Replied to message from /process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/reply[@name='Start_Event_Reply'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Reply Start_Event_Reply: Completed normally [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence/reply[@name='Start_Event_Reply']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.168 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Sequence : Completed normally [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']/sequence] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Scope Start_Event: Completed normally [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='Start_Event']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Link : status is true [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/link[@name=$S1]] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Scope M_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet: Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Scope M_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet: Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Sequence : Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Sequence : Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Assign : Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/assign] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.542] Assign : Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/assign] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.169 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.561] Variable data changed for /process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/variables/variable[@name='input'] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.170 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.562] Assign : Completed normally [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/assign] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.170 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.562] Link : status is true [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/link[@name=$S1]] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.170 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.562] Invoke M_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet_invoke: Ready to execute [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/invoke[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet_invoke']] 2018-02-05 12:41:54.170 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:41:38.562] Invoke M_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet_invoke: Executing [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/invoke[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet_invoke']] 2018-02-05 12:42:54.173 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:42:30.000] Invoke M_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet_invoke: Faulting: Mapping-error : java.lang.Exception: [MPSVCCMN_10094] The Mapping Service Module failed to run the job with ID [zvAf1gpDEeij7sd6qUwv4w] because of the following error: [HIVE_1070] The Integration Service failed to run Hive query [exec0_query_6] for task [exec0] due to following error: Hive error code [2], Hive message [FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask. Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1517663055306_0733_1_00, diagnostics=[Task failed, taskId=task_1517663055306_0733_1_00_000000, diagnostics=[TaskAttempt 0 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 1 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 2 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 3 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ]], Vertex did not succeed due to OWN_TASK_FAILURE, failedTasks:1 killedTasks:0, Vertex vertex_1517663055306_0733_1_00 [Map 1] killed/failed due to:OWN_TASK_FAILURE]DAG did not succeed due to VERTEX_FAILURE. failedVertices:1 killedVertices:0 Additional errors : [Hive task exec0] : Added resources: [file:///data/home/minfaadmin/informatica102/tomcat/bin/disTemp/DOMAIN_BDM/PROD_INFA_DIS/mehdcluster/infacco-site.xml] [Hive task exec0] : Added resources: [file:///data/home/minfaadmin/informatica102/tomcat/bin/disTemp/Read_mb_userdet_MAPPING_6896603917730068_6896603949642307.bin] [Hive task exec0] : OK [Hive task exec0] : OK [Hive task exec0] : Query ID = minfaadmin_20180205124145_6ac65018-8d08-48ed-891c-fdac3b689391 [Hive task exec0] : Total jobs = 1 [Hive task exec0] : Launching Job 1 out of 1 [Hive task exec0] : Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1517663055306_0733) [Hive task exec0] : Status: Failed [Hive task exec0] : Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1517663055306_0733_1_00, diagnostics=[Task failed, taskId=task_1517663055306_0733_1_00_000000, diagnostics=[TaskAttempt 0 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 1 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 2 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 3 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ]], Vertex did not succeed due to OWN_TASK_FAILURE, failedTasks:1 killedTasks:0, Vertex vertex_1517663055306_0733_1_00 [Map 1] killed/failed due to:OWN_TASK_FAILURE] [Hive task exec0] : DAG did not succeed due to VERTEX_FAILURE. failedVertices:1 killedVertices:0 [Hive task exec0] : FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask. Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1517663055306_0733_1_00, diagnostics=[Task failed, taskId=task_1517663055306_0733_1_00_000000, diagnostics=[TaskAttempt 0 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 1 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 2 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ], TaskAttempt 3 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] Caused by: java.io.IOException: Mapping execution failed with the following error: ODL_26128 Database error encountered in connection object [pri_sqoop_mbazaar] with the following error message: [Database error encountered in connection object [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] with the following error message: [There is no runtime plugin entry for OSType[LINUX], objectName[com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] and interfaceName[INFASQLDataAdapter]. ] The Data Integration Service could not find the run-time OSGi bundle for the adapter [com.informatica.adapter.infajdbc.InfaJDBCConnectInfo] for the operating system [LINUX]. Copy the adapter run-time OSGi bundle and verify that you have set the correct library name in the plugin.xml file.] ]], Vertex did not succeed due to OWN_TASK_FAILURE, failedTasks:1 killedTasks:0, Vertex vertex_1517663055306_0733_1_00 [Map 1] killed/failed due to:OWN_TASK_FAILURE]DAG did not succeed due to VERTEX_FAILURE. failedVertices:1 killedVertices:0 ], Hive SQL state [08S01]. [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/invoke[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet_invoke']] 2018-02-05 12:42:54.174 INFO: [3302][2018-02-05 12:42:30.000] Process Suspended(fault) [/process/flow[@name='app_mms_mandap-wf_m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/scope[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet']/sequence/invoke[@name='m_load_mms_dl_his_mb_userdet_invoke']]