18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 178.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 474) in 18 ms on worker_07 (executor 10) (188/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 186.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 478) in 22 ms on worker_08 (executor 2) (189/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 197.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 482) in 21 ms on worker_11 (executor 11) (190/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 182.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 476) in 23 ms on worker_03 (executor 3) (191/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 180.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 475) in 23 ms on worker_08 (executor 7) (192/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 189.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 479) in 22 ms on worker_08 (executor 2) (193/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 136.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 443) in 42 ms on worker_03 (executor 3) (194/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 199.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 484) in 22 ms on worker_11 (executor 14) (195/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 198.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 483) in 22 ms on worker_11 (executor 14) (196/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 194.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 435) in 47 ms on worker_01 (executor 17) (197/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 146.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 449) in 41 ms on worker_01 (executor 17) (198/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 152.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 454) in 45 ms on worker_01 (executor 18) (199/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished task 142.0 in stage 3.0 (TID 446) in 48 ms on worker_01 (executor 18) (200/200) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO YarnClusterScheduler: Removed TaskSet 3.0, whose tasks have all completed, from pool 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO DAGScheduler: ShuffleMapStage 3 (javaToPython at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:0) finished in 0,214 s 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO DAGScheduler: looking for newly runnable stages 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO DAGScheduler: running: Set() 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO DAGScheduler: waiting: Set(ResultStage 4) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO DAGScheduler: failed: Set() 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO DAGScheduler: Submitting ResultStage 4 (PythonRDD[271] at collect at /hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/root/appcache/application_1522177173372_0088/container_e06_1522177173372_0088_01_000001/Siemens.Energy.Hadoop_PyLib-0.30-py3.5.egg/siemens/energy/data/data_utils.py:75), which has no missing parents 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_4 stored as values in memory (estimated size 25.6 KB, free 4.1 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_4_piece0 stored as bytes in memory (estimated size 12.7 KB, free 4.1 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on (size: 12.7 KB, free: 4.1 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO SparkContext: Created broadcast 4 from broadcast at DAGScheduler.scala:1006 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO DAGScheduler: Submitting 82 missing tasks from ResultStage 4 (PythonRDD[271] at collect at /hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/root/appcache/application_1522177173372_0088/container_e06_1522177173372_0088_01_000001/Siemens.Energy.Hadoop_PyLib-0.30-py3.5.egg/siemens/energy/data/data_utils.py:75) (first 15 tasks are for partitions Vector(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO YarnClusterScheduler: Adding task set 4.0 with 82 tasks 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 0.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 485, worker_03, executor 4, partition 0, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 19.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 486, worker_05, executor 12, partition 19, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 487, worker_01, executor 18, partition 1, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 21.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 488, worker_11, executor 13, partition 21, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 7.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 489, worker_08, executor 2, partition 7, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 2.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 490, worker_01, executor 17, partition 2, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 4.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 491, worker_03, executor 3, partition 4, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 32.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 492, worker_11, executor 14, partition 32, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 3.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 493, worker_01, executor 19, partition 3, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 6.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 494, worker_03, executor 6, partition 6, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 8.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 495, worker_04, executor 20, partition 8, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 11.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 496, worker_08, executor 9, partition 11, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 41.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 497, worker_11, executor 11, partition 41, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 9.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 498, worker_03, executor 5, partition 9, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 26.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 499, worker_10, executor 15, partition 26, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 56.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 500, worker_07, executor 10, partition 56, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 13.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 501, worker_08, executor 7, partition 13, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 66.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 502, worker_12, executor 1, partition 66, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 33.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 503, worker_10, executor 16, partition 33, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 24.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 504, worker_08, executor 8, partition 24, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 10.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 505, worker_03, executor 4, partition 10, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 52.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 506, worker_05, executor 12, partition 52, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 5.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 507, worker_01, executor 18, partition 5, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 43.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 508, worker_11, executor 13, partition 43, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 27.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 509, worker_08, executor 2, partition 27, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 14.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 510, worker_01, executor 17, partition 14, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 15.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 511, worker_03, executor 3, partition 15, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 44.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 512, worker_11, executor 14, partition 44, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 17.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 513, worker_01, executor 19, partition 17, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 18.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 514, worker_03, executor 6, partition 18, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 12.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 515, worker_04, executor 20, partition 12, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 31.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 516, worker_08, executor 9, partition 31, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 46.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 517, worker_11, executor 11, partition 46, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 22.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 518, worker_03, executor 5, partition 22, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 34.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 519, worker_10, executor 15, partition 34, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 63.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 520, worker_07, executor 10, partition 63, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 35.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 521, worker_08, executor 7, partition 35, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 42.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 522, worker_10, executor 16, partition 42, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 36.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 523, worker_08, executor 8, partition 36, NODE_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Starting task 81.0 in stage 4.0 (TID 524, worker_12, executor 1, partition 81, PROCESS_LOCAL, 4715 bytes) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_01:34536 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_03:46648 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_03:39145 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_01:46708 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_01:41290 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_11:38448 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_08:33294 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_11:33008 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_03:44899 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_04:39978 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_10:44181 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_10:39597 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_07:38021 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_08:43580 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_08:38610 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_11:43334 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_12:43376 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMaster: Size of output statuses for shuffle 1 is 1010 bytes 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_08:42113 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_05:38874 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_4_piece0 in memory on worker_03:33367 (size: 12.7 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:36 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint: Asked to send map output locations for shuffle 1 to 18/04/16 06:10:37 INFO YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 21 executor(s). 18/04/16 06:10:37 INFO ExecutorAllocationManager: Requesting 21 new executors because tasks are backlogged (new desired total will be 21) 18/04/16 06:10:37 INFO YarnAllocator: Will request 1 executor container(s), each with 2 core(s) and 18022 MB memory (including 1638 MB of overhead) 18/04/16 06:10:37 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_10,worker_05,worker_07,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03,worker_04. 18/04/16 06:10:38 INFO YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 22 executor(s). 18/04/16 06:10:38 INFO YarnAllocator: Will request 1 executor container(s), each with 2 core(s) and 18022 MB memory (including 1638 MB of overhead) 18/04/16 06:10:38 INFO ExecutorAllocationManager: Requesting 1 new executor because tasks are backlogged (new desired total will be 22) 18/04/16 06:10:38 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_10,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03,worker_04. 18/04/16 06:10:39 INFO YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 24 executor(s). 18/04/16 06:10:39 INFO YarnAllocator: Will request 2 executor container(s), each with 2 core(s) and 18022 MB memory (including 1638 MB of overhead) 18/04/16 06:10:39 INFO ExecutorAllocationManager: Requesting 2 new executors because tasks are backlogged (new desired total will be 24) 18/04/16 06:10:39 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_10,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03,worker_04. 18/04/16 06:10:39 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:40 INFO YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 28 executor(s). 18/04/16 06:10:40 INFO YarnAllocator: Will request 4 executor container(s), each with 2 core(s) and 18022 MB memory (including 1638 MB of overhead) 18/04/16 06:10:40 INFO ExecutorAllocationManager: Requesting 4 new executors because tasks are backlogged (new desired total will be 28) 18/04/16 06:10:40 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_10,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03,worker_04. 18/04/16 06:10:40 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03,worker_04. 18/04/16 06:10:40 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:40 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 36 executor(s). 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Will request 8 executor container(s), each with 2 core(s) and 18022 MB memory (including 1638 MB of overhead) 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO ExecutorAllocationManager: Requesting 8 new executors because tasks are backlogged (new desired total will be 36) 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03,worker_04. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03,worker_04. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:41 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO YarnAllocator: Driver requested a total number of 41 executor(s). 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO YarnAllocator: Will request 5 executor container(s), each with 2 core(s) and 18022 MB memory (including 1638 MB of overhead) 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO ExecutorAllocationManager: Requesting 5 new executors because tasks are backlogged (new desired total will be 41) 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_08,worker_11,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:42 INFO YarnAllocator: Submitted container request for host worker_01,worker_03. 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 4.1 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_03:46648 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_03:44899 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_10:39597 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_03:33367 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_01:41290 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_03:39145 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_01:34536 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_04:39978 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_11:33008 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_08:33294 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_08:43580 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_07:38021 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_11:38448 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_05:38874 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_08:42113 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_01:46708 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_08:38610 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_12:43376 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_10:44181 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on worker_11:43334 in memory (size: 24.1 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 4.1 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_11:38448 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_08:42113 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_03:46648 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_11:43334 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_05:38874 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_08:33294 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_08:43580 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_03:39145 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_10:44181 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_12:43376 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_01:46708 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_11:33008 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_01:41290 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_10:39597 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_08:38610 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_07:38021 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_01:34536 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_04:39978 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_03:33367 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on worker_03:44899 in memory (size: 12.3 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 4.1 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_01:34536 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_03:46648 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_07:38021 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_03:39145 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_11:38448 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_04:39978 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_10:39597 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_03:44899 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_11:33008 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_08:42113 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_01:46708 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_03:33367 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_05:38874 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_10:44181 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_08:33294 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_08:38610 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_08:43580 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_11:43334 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_01:41290 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB) 18/04/16 06:10:47 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_2_piece0 on worker_12:43376 in memory (size: 11.5 KB, free: 8.4 GB)