Some service configurations are not configured properly. We recommend you review and change the highlighted configuration values. Are you sure you want to proceed without correcting configurations? Type Service Property Value Description Warning HDFS dfs.datanode.du.reserved 1073741824 Value is less than the recommended default of 5772135936 Reserved space in bytes per volume. Always leave this much space free for non dfs use. Warning HDFS namenode_heapsize 250 Value is less than the recommended default of 1024 NameNode Java heap size Warning HDFS namenode_opt_maxnewsize 100 Value is less than the recommended default of 128 NameNode maximum new generation size Warning HDFS namenode_opt_newsize 50 Value is less than the recommended default of 128 Default size of Java new generation for NameNode (Java option -XX:NewSize) Note: The value of NameNode new generation size (default size of Java new generation for NameNode (Java option -XX:NewSize)) should be 1/8 of maximum heap size (-Xmx). Ensure that the value of the namenode_opt_newsize property is 1/8 the value of maximum heap size (-Xmx). Warning MapReduce2 -Xmx200m Value is less than the recommended default of -Xmx1228m Larger heap-size for child jvms of maps. Warning MapReduce2 250 Value is less than the recommended minimum of 512 Value is less than the recommended default of 1536 Virtual memory for single Map task Warning MapReduce2 -Xmx200m Value is less than the recommended default of -Xmx1228m Larger heap-size for child jvms of reduces. Warning MapReduce2 mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb 250 Value is less than the recommended default of 1536 Value is less than the recommended minimum of 512 Virtual memory for single Reduce task Warning MapReduce2 64 Value is less than the recommended default of 859 The total amount of buffer memory to use while sorting files, in megabytes. By default, gives each merge stream 1MB, which should minimize seeks. Warning MapReduce2 -Xmx200m Value is less than the recommended default of -Xmx409m Java opts for the MR App Master processes. The following symbol, if present, will be interpolated: @taskid@ is replaced by current TaskID. Any other occurrences of '@' will go unchanged. For example, to enable verbose gc logging to a file named for the taskid in /tmp and to set the heap maximum to be a gigabyte, pass a 'value' of: -Xmx1024m -verbose:gc -Xloggc:/tmp/@taskid@.gc Usage of -Djava.library.path can cause programs to no longer function if hadoop native libraries are used. These values should instead be set as part of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the map / reduce JVM env using the and mapreduce.reduce.env config settings. Warning MapReduce2 250 Value is less than the recommended minimum of 512 Value is less than the recommended default of 512 The amount of memory the MR AppMaster needs. Warning Tez 256 Value is less than the recommended default of 1024 The amount of memory to be used by the AppMaster. Used only if the value is not specified explicitly by the DAG definition. Warning Tez tez.task.resource.memory.mb 256 Value is less than the recommended default of 512 The amount of memory to be used by launched tasks. Used only if the value is not specified explicitly by the DAG definition. Warning Hive 3149642683 Value is greater than the recommended maximum of 429496729 If is off, this parameter does not take affect. However, if it is on, and the sum of size for n-1 of the tables/partitions for a n-way join is smaller than this size, the join is directly converted to a mapjoin(there is no conditional task). Warning Hive hive.heapsize 96628 Value is greater than the recommended maximum of 7823 Hive Java heap size Warning Hive hive.metastore.heapsize 32209 Value is greater than the recommended maximum of 7823 Hive Metastore Java heap size Warning Hive hive.tez.container.size 250 Value is less than the recommended default of 512 By default, Tez uses the java options from map tasks. Use this property to override that value. Warning Ambari Metrics hbase.rootdir file:///var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase It is not recommended to use root partition for hbase.rootdir Ambari Metrics service uses HBase as default storage backend. Set the rootdir for HBase to either local filesystem path if using Ambari Metrics in embedded mode or to a HDFS dir, example: hdfs:// Warning Ambari Metrics hbase.tmp.dir /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase-tmp Consider not using / partition for storing metrics temporary data. / partition is already used as hbase.rootdir to store metrics data Temporary directory on the local filesystem. Change this setting to point to a location more permanent than '/tmp' (The '/tmp' directory is often cleared on machine restart). Warning Atlas Atlas is configured to use the HBase installed in this cluster. If you would like Atlas to use another HBase instance, please configure this property and HBASE_CONF_DIR variable in atlas-env appropriately.