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[ANNOUNCE] Cloudera Enterprise 5.16.2 Released

Cloudera Employee

We are happy to announce Cloudera Enterprise 5.16.2.


You can download the parcel(s) and apply it directly to provisioned clusters without disrupting Your currently running CDH workloads.


What's New?


Upstream and other faults fixed:

Apache Flume 
    • FLUME-2973 - Deadlock in hdfs sink.
    • FLUME-3223 - Flume HDFS Sink should retry close prior recover lease.
Apache Hadoop
    • HADOOP-15442 - ITestS3AMetrics.testMetricsRegister should not know the name of the metrics source.
    • HDFS-11751 - DFSZKFailoverController daemon exits with the wrong status code.
    • HDFS-12683 - DFSZKFailOverController re-order logic for logging exception.
    • HDFS-14111 - hdfsOpenFile on HDFS causes unnecessary IO from file offset 0
    • MAPREDUCE-6382 - HTML links in the Diagnostics in JHS job overview must not be escaped.
    • MAPREDUCE-7125 - JobResourceUploader creates LocalFileSystem when it's not necessary.
    • MAPREDUCE-7131 - Job History Server has race condition where it moves files from intermediate to finished but thinks file is in intermediate.
    • YARN-4227 - Ignore expired containers from the removed nodes in FairScheduler.
    • YARN-4677 - RMNodeResourceUpdateEvent update from scheduler can lead to race condition.
Apache HBase
    • HBASE-16810 - HBase Balancer throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when regionservers are in /hbase/draining znode and unloaded
    • HBASE-17510 - DefaultMemStore gets the wrong heap size after rollback
    • HBASE-19730 - Backport HBASE-14497 Reverse Scan threw StackOverflow caused by readPt checking
    • HBASE-20604 - ProtobufLogReader#readNext can incorrectly loop to the same position in the stream until the the WAL is rolled
    • HBASE-21275 - Disable TRACE HTTP method for thrift http server
    • HBASE-21546 - ConnectException in TestThriftHttpServer
Apache Hive
    • HIVE-12476 - Metastore NPE on Oracle with Direct SQL
    • HIVE-13278 - Avoid FileNotFoundException when map/reduce.xml is not available
    • HIVE-13394 - Analyze table fails in Tez on empty partitions
    • HIVE-13592 - metastore calls map is not thread safe
    • HIVE-14557 - Nullpointer When both SkewJoin and Mapjoin Enabled
    • HIVE-14560 - Support exchange partition between S3 and HDFS tables
    • HIVE-14690 - Query fail when hive.exec.parallel=true, with conflicting session dir
    • HIVE-16839 - Unbalanced calls to openTransaction/commitTransaction when altering the same partition concurrently
    • HIVE-18778 - Needs to capture input/output entities in explain
    • HIVE-20331 - Query with union all, lateral view and Join fails with "cannot find parent in the child operator"
    • HIVE-20678 - HiveHBaseTableOutputFormat should implement HiveOutputFormat to ensure compatibility
    • HIVE-20695 - HoS Query fails with hive.exec.parallel=true
    • HIVE-21028 - get_table_meta should use a fetch plan to avoid race conditions ending up in NucleusObjectNotFoundException
    • HIVE-21044 - Improvments to HMS metrics
    • HIVE-21045 - Add connection pool info and rolling performance info to the metrics system
    • HUE-8388 - [oozie] Make Hue create a new workspace when importing an Oozie workflow instead of using the "deployment_dir" field
    • HUE-8450 - [editor] Embedded mode improvements for previous Hue version
    • HUE-8458 - [frontend] Improve application loading performance
    • HUE-8468 - [frontend] Dynamically adding styles in embedded mode fails in Internet Explorer (throws a Java script exception)
    • HUE-8584 - [useradmin] Errors returned for Add Sync Ldap Group
    • HUE-8585 - [useradmin] Errors returned for Add Sync Ldap Users
    • HUE-8631 - HBase is not accessible by way of the Hue server; instead returns "API Error."
    • HUE-8660 - [core] File browser cannot view files containing a hash (#) in the name
    • HUE-8691 - [useradmin] Attempting to add/sync group will not add users if the objectClass posixGroup exists in the LDAP entry
    • HUE-8692 - [useradmin] Group sync fails if all group members are not found with error "No such object"
    • HUE-8693 - [useradmin] Security application only displays 100 users in the impersonation list
    • HUE-8705 - [oozie] Hidden popup window is blocking the Query drop-down menu and the search box
    • HUE-8709 - [useradmin] Black transparent screen remains after confirmation modal is hidden
    • HUE-8746 - [pig] Add hcat support to the Pig Editor in Hue
Apache Impala
    • IMPALA-6323 - Impala now supports a constant in the window specifications.
    • IMPALA-7960 - Impala now returns a correct result when comparing TIMESTAMP to a string literal in a binary predicate where the TIMESTAMP is casted to VARCHAR of smaller length.
    • IMPALA-7961 - Fixed an issue where queries running with the SYNC_DDL query option can fail when the Catalog Server is under a heavy load with concurrent catalog operations of long-running DDLs.
    • IMPALA-8058 - Fixed cardinality estimates for HBase queries, which could sometimes yield hugely high numbers.
    • IMPALA-8109 - Impala can now read the gzip files bigger than 2 GB.
    • IMPALA-8212 - Fixed a race condition in the Kerberos authentication code.
    • KITE-1185 - Make root temp directory path configurable in HiveAbstractDatasetRepository
Apache Kudu
    • KUDU-1678 - Fixed a crash caused by a race condition between altering tablet schemas and deleting tablet replicas.
    • KUDU-2195 - Now you can use the ‑‑cmeta_force_fsync flag to fsync Kudu’s consensus metadata more aggressively. Setting this to true may decrease Kudu’s performance, but will improve its durability in the face of power failures and forced shutdowns. The issue was much more likely to happen when Kudu was running on XFS.
    • KUDU-2463 - Fixed an issue in which incorrect results would be occasionally returned in scans following a server restart.
    • CDH-76920 - Fixed the issue where the Kudu CLI crashes when running the 'kudu cluster rebalance' sub-command on some platforms.
Apache Oozie
    • OOZIE-3382 - Implement and backportOptimize SshActionExecutor's drainBuffers method
Apache Pig
    • PIG-5373 - InterRecordReader might skip records if certain sync markers are used
    • PIG-5374 - Use CircularFifoBuffer in InterRecordReader
Apache Sentry
    • SENTRY-2205 - Improve Sentry NN Logging.
    • SENTRY-2301 - Log where sentry stands in the snapshot fetching process, periodically
    • SENTRY-2372 - SentryStore should not implement grantOptionCheck
    • SENTRY-2419 - Log where sentry stands in the process of persisting the snpashot
    • SENTRY-2427 - PortUse Hadoop KerberosName class to derive shortName
    • SENTRY-2428 - Skip null partitions or partitions with null sds entries
    • SENTRY-2437 - PortWhen granting privileges a single transaction per grant causes long delays
    • SENTRY-2490 - PortWhen building a full perm update for each object we only build 1 privilege per role
    • SENTRY-2498 - Exception while deleting paths that does't exist
    • SENTRY-2502 - Modified BackportSentry NN plug-in stops fetching updates from sentry server.
    • SENTRY-2511 - Debug level logging on HMSPaths significantly affects performance
Apache Spark
    • SPARK-4224 - [CORE][YARN] Support group acls
    • SPARK-19019 - [PYTHON][BRANCH-1.6] Fix hijacked `collections.namedtuple` and port cloudpickle changes for PySpark to work with Python 3.6.0
Apache Zookeeper 

See documentation here.


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