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HBase - regionserver version inconsistency detected

New Contributor

After upgrading from HDP 2.6 to HDP 3.1, all Hbase cluster-members (2 masters, 2 regionservers) are running on hbase-3-1-0-0-78 - The cluster seems operational and the existing table can be queried.

But the Master has detected "2 nodes with inconsistent version":

Region Servers

ServerNameStart timeLast contactVersionRequests Per SecondNum. Regions
hnode6-0 Wed Apr 24 18:07:12 UTC 20190 s2.0.200
hnode6-1Wed Apr 24 17:45:51 UTC 20191 s2.0.203

2 nodes with inconsistent version03

Though details on both master and regionservers don't show any difference:


HBase Version2., revision=HBase version and revision
HBase CompiledThu Dec 6 13:23:31 UTC 2018, jenkinsWhen HBase version was compiled and by whom
HBase Source Checksum015c34650c163b249d16fc7e496a030eHBase source MD5 checksum
Hadoop Version3., revision=e4f82af51faec922b4804d0232a637422ec29e64Hadoop version and revision
Hadoop Compiled2018-12-06T13:34Z, jenkinsWhen Hadoop version was compiled and by whom
Hadoop Source Checksumeab9fa2a6aa38c6362c66d8df75774Hadoop source MD5 checksum
ZooKeeper Client Version3.4.6-78, revision=-1ZooKeeper client version and revision


HBase Version2., revision=HBase version and revision
HBase CompiledThu Dec 6 13:23:31 UTC 2018, jenkinsWhen HBase version was compiled and by whom
HBase Source Checksum015c34650c163b249d16fc7e496a030eHBase source MD5 checksum
Hadoop Version3., revision=e4f82af51faec922b4804d0232a637422ec29e64Hadoop version and revision
Hadoop Compiled2018-12-06T13:34Z, jenkinsWhen Hadoop version was compiled and by whom
Hadoop Source Checksumeab9fa2a6aa38c6362c66d8df75774Hadoop source MD5 checksum
ZooKeeper Client Version3.4.6-78, revision=-1ZooKeeper client version and revision

Super Guru

It's just a bug in HDP that the correct version is not being reported. There is no HBase issue to be concerned about.