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HIVE ODBC driver - cannot select table

Expert Contributor

Just insalled the latest version of HIVE ODBC driver (2.5.12) and created a linked server in Microsoft SQL Server 2014.

Tried a simple select * from table, or even one integer column such as select ID from table, but the queries failed with this


OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "CLOUDERA-HIVE" returned message "[Cloudera][HiveODBC] (35) Error from Hive: error code: '0' error message: 'ExecuteStatement finished with operation state: ERROR_STATE'.".
Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 4
Cannot execute the query "SELECT "Tbl1002"."row_id" "Col1004" FROM "HIVE"."default"."test_table" "Tbl1002"" against OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "CLOUDERA-HIVE".


Any ideas?




PS. Tried to enable Fast SQL Prepare, but didnt help.

Tried to enable Use Async exec - didnt help.

Native query - dont work on MS SQL.



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