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'All Oozie Server roles must have a Spark role' error during Cluster Setup


Hi all,


My installation Path is C. Cloudera Manager is 5.4.3. CDH version 5.4.4 (Enterprise Trial). I'm installing 'All Servces'.

Server S1 has the Oozie server and Spark gateway roles. The connection test to the Oozie MySql database (running on S1 too) is OK.


The 1st step (out of 33 steps) is : "Deploying Client Configuration" and I get the following error :

"Command failed to run because service Oozie has invalid configuration. Review and correct its configuration. First error: All Oozie Server roles must have a Spark role (such as a Gateway) on the same host to pick up the Spark configuration. You must deploy Spark client configuration before this will work correctly. The following hosts have a Oozie Server but no Spark role: S1."


Any hint would be appreciated.







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