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Hbase performance issue

New Contributor

Hi All,


I have setup of hadoop cluster(CDH5.4.4) with hbase and phoenix. I see these warnings in my regionserver logs:


2016-06-27 10:28:51,987 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.FSHLog: Slow sync cost: 477 ms, current pipeline: [DatanodeInfoWithStorage[XXX.xx.xx.xxx:50010,DS-bf645817-6164-4723-952a-161a65da092d,DISK], DatanodeInfoWithStorage[XXX.XX.xx.xxx:50010,DS-dd3f32e1-9b62-4f95-b1e2-5fd1a1c2a6e2,DISK]]

I have analyzed the logs slow sync cost goes upto 2sec.

I also see these warnings:

2016-06-27 10:28:51,987 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcServer: (responseTooSlow): {"processingtimems":540,"call":"Multi(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos$MultiRequest)","client":"XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:49410","starttimems":1467003531447,"queuetimems":0,"class":"HRegionServer","responsesize":14,"method":"Multi"}  

This call is coming from client for PUT request.


I see these warnings in my datanode logs:

2016-06-27 10:47:51,162 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: Slow flushOrSync took 380ms (threshold=300ms), isSync:false, flushTotalNanos=379910826ns

2016-06-27 10:47:51,162 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: Slow BlockReceiver write data to disk cost:400ms (threshold=300ms)

2016-06-27 10:47:51,162 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: Slow BlockReceiver write data to disk cost:397ms (threshold=300ms)




  • My cluster configuration is: 4 datanodes, 2 namenodes. 
    • Datanode Configuration: 64gb RAM, NON-RAID Disks 4.5TB each, 32 cores 
    • Namenode Configuration: 32gb RAM, 32 cores 
    • Regionservers co-hosted with datanode
    • HBase master cohosted with namenode
    • Hbase regionserver XMX-24 gb
  • I would appreciate any pointers for resolving this issue.
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