2017-08-11 17:30:02,760 INFO - Checking DB store version 2017-08-11 17:30:04,717 INFO - DB store version is compatible 2017-08-11 17:30:13,519 INFO - ******************************* Check database started ******************************* 2017-08-11 17:30:13,520 INFO - Ensuring that the schema set for Postgres is correct 2017-08-11 17:30:13,534 INFO - Checking for configs that are not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:30:13,818 WARN - You have config(s): usersync-properties-version1481837392655,usersync-properties-version1481527293710,ranger-env-version1481336623723,ranger-env-version1481695213909,node.properties-version1485216417233,ranger-ugsync-site-version1481527293710,connectors.properties-version1485220348869,ranger-ugsync-site-version1481326624040,ranger-site-version1481527293710,admin-properties-version1481527293710,admin-properties-version1481837392655,jvm.config-version1486583376621,admin-properties-version1481844289017,connectors.properties-version1485216417233,jvm.config-version1487184150526,config.properties-version1487186003156,zeppelin-ambari-config-version1465861818128,config.properties-version1486587011340,usersync-properties-version1481844289017,ranger-env-version1,ranger-env-version1463549984770,ranger-env-version1481528696284,zeppelin-config-version1465861818128,usersync-properties-version1481326624040,ranger-env-version1481326624040,ranger-ugsync-site-version1481837392655,ranger-admin-site-version1481336623723,config.properties-version1485216417233,config.properties-version1486583376621,config.properties-version1485219012617,connectors.properties-version1485221102553,ranger-ugsync-site-version1481844289017,connectors.properties-version1485219012617,zeppelin-env-version1465861818128,ranger-site-version1481336623723,connectors.properties-version1486583376621,node.properties-version1487186381317,ranger-ugsync-site-version1481336623723,zeppelin-config-version1465862345157,ranger-site-version1481326624040,ranger-site-version1481844289017,node.properties-version1487184150526,ranger-admin-site-version1481326624040,ranger-admin-site-version1481844289017,admin-properties-version1481336623723,connectors.properties-version1485380267540,zeppelin-env-version1465863813550,ranger-env-version1481844289017,usersync-properties-version1481336623723,ranger-env-version1481527293710,ranger-env-version1481837392655,connectors.properties-version1485389914407,node.properties-version1486583376621,ranger-admin-site-version1481527293710,config.properties-version1486584958034,ranger-admin-site-version1481837392655,node.properties-version1487113491328,admin-properties-version1481326624040,ranger-site-version1481837392655,jvm.config-version1485216417233,connectors.properties-version1485223223125,config.properties-version1486586144530,ranger-env-version1481844779814,admin-properties-version1481695213909,connectors.properties-version1485379619442,config.properties-version1487184150526,connectors.properties-version1487184150526 that is(are) not mapped (in serviceconfigmapping table) to any service! 2017-08-11 17:30:13,818 INFO - Checking for configs not mapped to any cluster 2017-08-11 17:30:13,820 INFO - Checking for configs selected more than once 2017-08-11 17:30:13,823 INFO - Checking for hosts without state 2017-08-11 17:30:13,824 INFO - Checking host component states count equals host component desired states count 2017-08-11 17:30:13,826 INFO - Checking services and their configs 2017-08-11 17:30:13,826 INFO - Getting ambari metainfo instance 2017-08-11 17:30:13,827 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICES_WITHOUT_CONFIGS' 2017-08-11 17:30:13,829 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICE_CONFIG_WITHOUT_MAPPING' 2017-08-11 17:30:13,831 INFO - Getting stack info from database 2017-08-11 17:30:13,832 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICES_WITH_CONFIGS' 2017-08-11 17:30:13,864 INFO - Comparing service configs from stack with configs that we got from db 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Getting services from metainfo 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / SQOOP 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / TEZ 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / MAPREDUCE2 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / HDFS 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / OOZIE 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / SPARK 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / ZOOKEEPER 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / PRESTO 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / YARN 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / PIG 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / RANGER 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / HIVE 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / AMBARI_METRICS 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / KAFKA 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / FALCON 2017-08-11 17:30:13,865 INFO - Comparing required service configs from stack with mapped service configs from db 2017-08-11 17:30:13,866 INFO - Getting services which has mapped configs which are not selected in clusterconfigmapping 2017-08-11 17:30:14,976 INFO - Checking Topology tables 2017-08-11 17:30:14,995 ERROR - Your topology request hierarchy is not complete for each row in topology_host_request should exist at least one row in topology_host_task, topology_logical_task. 2017-08-11 17:30:14,995 INFO - ******************************* Check database completed ******************************* 2017-08-11 17:31:22,579 INFO - Checking DB store version 2017-08-11 17:31:24,088 INFO - DB store version is compatible 2017-08-11 17:31:32,543 INFO - ******************************* Check database started ******************************* 2017-08-11 17:31:32,543 INFO - Checking that there are the same number of actual and desired host components 2017-08-11 17:31:32,585 INFO - Checking for configs not mapped to any Service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,939 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=8, tag=version1487186003156, timestamp=1487186003704} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,950 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=8, tag=version1487186003156, timestamp=1487186003704} 2017-08-11 17:31:32,960 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=5, tag=version1487186381317, timestamp=1487186381691} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,963 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=5, tag=version1487186381317, timestamp=1487186381691} 2017-08-11 17:31:32,968 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=1, tag=version1, timestamp=1463192439067} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,970 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=1, tag=version1, timestamp=1463192439067} 2017-08-11 17:31:32,974 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=2, tag=version1463549984770, timestamp=1463549984771} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,978 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=2, tag=version1463549984770, timestamp=1463549984771} 2017-08-11 17:31:32,982 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=6, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349234} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,984 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=6, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349234} 2017-08-11 17:31:32,988 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349251} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,991 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349251} 2017-08-11 17:31:32,996 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-ambari-config, version=1, tag=version1465861818128, timestamp=1465861819755} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:32,998 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-ambari-config, version=1, tag=version1465861818128, timestamp=1465861819755} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,003 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-config, version=1, tag=version1465861818128, timestamp=1465861819818} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,006 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-config, version=1, tag=version1465861818128, timestamp=1465861819818} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,010 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-env, version=1, tag=version1465861818128, timestamp=1465861819897} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,013 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-env, version=1, tag=version1465861818128, timestamp=1465861819897} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,046 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-config, version=2, tag=version1465862345157, timestamp=1465862345231} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,048 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-config, version=2, tag=version1465862345157, timestamp=1465862345231} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,052 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-env, version=2, tag=version1465863813550, timestamp=1465863813639} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,054 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=zeppelin-env, version=2, tag=version1465863813550, timestamp=1465863813639} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,058 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685506} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,060 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685506} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,065 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685529} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,068 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685529} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,072 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=2, tag=version1485219012617, timestamp=1485219012875} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,074 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=2, tag=version1485219012617, timestamp=1485219012875} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,079 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=3, tag=version1485220348869, timestamp=1485220348910} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,081 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=3, tag=version1485220348869, timestamp=1485220348910} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,085 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685398} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,088 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685398} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,093 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685423} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,096 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685423} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,101 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=3, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685442} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,104 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=3, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685442} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,108 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685463} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,110 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=1, tag=version1481326624040, timestamp=1481326685463} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,113 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683172} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,117 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683172} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,121 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683188} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,123 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683188} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,127 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=4, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683216} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,129 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=4, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683216} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,132 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683233} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,134 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683233} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,144 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683246} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,146 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683246} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,149 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683261} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,151 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=2, tag=version1481336623723, timestamp=1481336683261} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,156 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350399} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,157 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350399} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,162 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350425} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,164 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350425} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,167 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=5, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350445} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,169 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=5, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350445} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,172 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350465} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,175 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350465} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,178 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350502} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,181 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350502} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,184 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350525} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,186 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=3, tag=version1481527293710, timestamp=1481527350525} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,191 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=6, tag=version1481528696284, timestamp=1481528752116} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,193 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=6, tag=version1481528696284, timestamp=1481528752116} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,197 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=4, tag=version1481695213909, timestamp=1481695271168} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,202 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=4, tag=version1481695213909, timestamp=1481695271168} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,205 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=7, tag=version1481695213909, timestamp=1481695271186} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,213 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=7, tag=version1481695213909, timestamp=1481695271186} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,218 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=4, tag=version1485221102553, timestamp=1485221102600} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,219 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=4, tag=version1485221102553, timestamp=1485221102600} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,224 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=5, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451797} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,225 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=admin-properties, version=5, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451797} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,230 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451813} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,233 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-admin-site, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451813} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,238 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=8, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451829} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,241 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=8, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451829} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,245 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451851} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,248 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451851} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,251 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451874} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,253 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451874} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,256 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451897} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,259 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=4, tag=version1481837392655, timestamp=1481837451897} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,262 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=9, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349264} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,265 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=9, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349264} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,268 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349277} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,270 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-site, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349277} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,277 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349290} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,279 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-ugsync-site, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349290} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,282 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349304} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,284 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=usersync-properties, version=5, tag=version1481844289017, timestamp=1481844349304} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,287 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=10, tag=version1481844779814, timestamp=1481844839168} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,289 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=ranger-env, version=10, tag=version1481844779814, timestamp=1481844839168} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,292 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=5, tag=version1485223223125, timestamp=1485223223175} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,294 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=5, tag=version1485223223125, timestamp=1485223223175} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,298 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=6, tag=version1485379619442, timestamp=1485379619516} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,299 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=6, tag=version1485379619442, timestamp=1485379619516} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,302 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=7, tag=version1485380267540, timestamp=1485380267573} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,304 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=7, tag=version1485380267540, timestamp=1485380267573} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,307 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418775} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,309 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418775} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,312 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418858} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,314 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418858} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,317 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=jvm.config, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418913} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,319 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=jvm.config, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418913} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,322 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418969} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,331 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=1, tag=version1485216417233, timestamp=1485216418969} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,335 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=2, tag=version1485219012617, timestamp=1485219012727} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,337 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=2, tag=version1485219012617, timestamp=1485219012727} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,341 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=8, tag=version1485389914407, timestamp=1485389915170} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,343 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=8, tag=version1485389914407, timestamp=1485389915170} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,351 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=3, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583384766} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,353 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=3, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583384766} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,358 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=9, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583384869} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,360 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=9, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583384869} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,363 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=jvm.config, version=2, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583384930} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,364 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=jvm.config, version=2, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583384930} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,367 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=2, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583385006} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,369 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=2, tag=version1486583376621, timestamp=1486583385006} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,373 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=4, tag=version1486584958034, timestamp=1486584958158} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,375 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=4, tag=version1486584958034, timestamp=1486584958158} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,378 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=5, tag=version1486586144530, timestamp=1486586144742} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,380 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=5, tag=version1486586144530, timestamp=1486586144742} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,383 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=6, tag=version1486587011340, timestamp=1486587012007} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,385 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=6, tag=version1486587011340, timestamp=1486587012007} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,390 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=3, tag=version1487113491328, timestamp=1487113491565} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,393 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=3, tag=version1487113491328, timestamp=1487113491565} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,397 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=7, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150102} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,400 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=config.properties, version=7, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150102} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,407 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=10, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150174} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,410 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=connectors.properties, version=10, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150174} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,414 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=jvm.config, version=3, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150234} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,416 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=jvm.config, version=3, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150234} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,419 INFO - Removing cluster config mapping of clusterConfigEntity ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=4, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150285} that is not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,421 INFO - Removing config that is not mapped to any service ClusterConfigEntity{clusterId=2, type=node.properties, version=4, tag=version1487184150526, timestamp=1487184150285} 2017-08-11 17:31:33,424 INFO - Ensuring that the schema set for Postgres is correct 2017-08-11 17:31:33,431 INFO - Checking for configs that are not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:31:33,626 INFO - Checking for configs not mapped to any cluster 2017-08-11 17:31:33,628 INFO - Checking for configs selected more than once 2017-08-11 17:31:33,630 INFO - Checking for hosts without state 2017-08-11 17:31:33,631 INFO - Checking host component states count equals host component desired states count 2017-08-11 17:31:33,632 INFO - Checking services and their configs 2017-08-11 17:31:33,632 INFO - Getting ambari metainfo instance 2017-08-11 17:31:33,632 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICES_WITHOUT_CONFIGS' 2017-08-11 17:31:33,633 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICE_CONFIG_WITHOUT_MAPPING' 2017-08-11 17:31:33,634 INFO - Getting stack info from database 2017-08-11 17:31:33,635 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICES_WITH_CONFIGS' 2017-08-11 17:31:33,640 INFO - Comparing service configs from stack with configs that we got from db 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Getting services from metainfo 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / SQOOP 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / TEZ 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / MAPREDUCE2 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / HDFS 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / OOZIE 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / SPARK 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / ZOOKEEPER 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / PRESTO 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / YARN 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / PIG 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / RANGER 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / HIVE 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / AMBARI_METRICS 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / KAFKA 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / FALCON 2017-08-11 17:31:33,641 INFO - Comparing required service configs from stack with mapped service configs from db 2017-08-11 17:31:33,642 INFO - Getting services which has mapped configs which are not selected in clusterconfigmapping 2017-08-11 17:31:34,663 INFO - Checking Topology tables 2017-08-11 17:31:34,665 ERROR - Your topology request hierarchy is not complete for each row in topology_host_request should exist at least one row in topology_host_task, topology_logical_task. 2017-08-11 17:31:34,665 INFO - ******************************* Check database completed ******************************* 2017-08-11 17:32:43,695 INFO - Checking DB store version 2017-08-11 17:32:45,116 INFO - DB store version is compatible 2017-08-11 17:32:53,700 INFO - ******************************* Check database started ******************************* 2017-08-11 17:32:53,700 INFO - Ensuring that the schema set for Postgres is correct 2017-08-11 17:32:53,707 INFO - Checking for configs that are not mapped to any service 2017-08-11 17:32:53,925 INFO - Checking for configs not mapped to any cluster 2017-08-11 17:32:53,926 INFO - Checking for configs selected more than once 2017-08-11 17:32:53,928 INFO - Checking for hosts without state 2017-08-11 17:32:53,929 INFO - Checking host component states count equals host component desired states count 2017-08-11 17:32:53,930 INFO - Checking services and their configs 2017-08-11 17:32:53,930 INFO - Getting ambari metainfo instance 2017-08-11 17:32:53,930 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICES_WITHOUT_CONFIGS' 2017-08-11 17:32:53,931 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICE_CONFIG_WITHOUT_MAPPING' 2017-08-11 17:32:53,932 INFO - Getting stack info from database 2017-08-11 17:32:53,933 INFO - Executing query 'GET_SERVICES_WITH_CONFIGS' 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Comparing service configs from stack with configs that we got from db 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Getting services from metainfo 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / SQOOP 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / TEZ 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / MAPREDUCE2 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / HDFS 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / OOZIE 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / SPARK 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / ZOOKEEPER 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / PRESTO 2017-08-11 17:32:53,939 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / YARN 2017-08-11 17:32:53,940 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / PIG 2017-08-11 17:32:53,940 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / RANGER 2017-08-11 17:32:53,940 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / HIVE 2017-08-11 17:32:53,940 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / AMBARI_METRICS 2017-08-11 17:32:53,940 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / KAFKA 2017-08-11 17:32:53,940 INFO - Processing HDP-2.4 / FALCON 2017-08-11 17:32:53,940 INFO - Comparing required service configs from stack with mapped service configs from db 2017-08-11 17:32:53,941 INFO - Getting services which has mapped configs which are not selected in clusterconfigmapping 2017-08-11 17:32:54,960 INFO - Checking Topology tables 2017-08-11 17:32:54,962 ERROR - Your topology request hierarchy is not complete for each row in topology_host_request should exist at least one row in topology_host_task, topology_logical_task. 2017-08-11 17:32:54,962 INFO - ******************************* Check database completed ******************************* 2017-08-11 17:33:20,491 INFO - Checking DB store version 2017-08-11 17:33:22,010 INFO - DB store version is compatible