# Default values for nifi-registry. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 1 image: repository: apache/nifi-registry pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: "1.24.0" initContainers: git: image: alpine/git tag: v2.26.2 alpine: image: alpine tag: 3.6 # Additional environment variables to set for the initContainers # extraEnvs: # - name: FOO # value: bar imagePullSecrets: [] nameOverride: "nr" fullnameOverride: "nr" service: type: ClusterIP port: 18443 podSecurityContext: {} # fsGroup: 2000 securityContext: {} # capabilities: # drop: # - ALL # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true # runAsNonRoot: false # runAsUser: 0 ingress: enabled: true annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: HTTPS hosts: - host: my-nifi-registry.company.net paths: - path: /nifi-registry pathType: ImplementationSpecific - path: /nifi-registry-api pathType: ImplementationSpecific - path: /nifi-registry-docs pathType: ImplementationSpecific ## Persist data to a persistent volume persistence: enabled: true database: # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 10Gi flowStorage: # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 10Gi resources: {} # limits: # cpu: 300m # memory: 256Mi # requests: # cpu: 300m # memory: 256Mi bundleProvider: file: enabled: true # -- the path in the running pod where the git repo will be cloned into # either absolute or relative to the container working directory, which is NIFI_REGISTRY_HOME # If you elect to use a non-default location, you must also update the property associated. storageDirectory: ./extension_bundles flowProvider: git: enabled: false # Repository to be cloned at pod startup url: # Sets NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_REMOTE for update_flow_provider.sh remote: origin # Sets NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_USER for update_flow_provider.sh user: # Sets NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_PASSWORD for update_flow_provider.sh password: # passwordSecret(Name|Key) is the name and key of the k8s secret holding the password (can be used instead of password) # passwordSecretName: # passwordSecretKey: # Global Git configuration See https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config for more details. config: enabled: false data: "" # data: | # [credential "https://github.com"] # username = foo ssh: # To use an SSH public/private keypair as a Kubernetes secret: # 1. Generate a SSH key named id_rsa: # ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f ./id_rsa # 2. Create a Kubernetes secret: # kubectl -n nifi-registry create secret generic nifi-registry-git-ssh --from-file=./id_rsa # 3. Don't check these key files into your Git repository! Once you've created # the Kubernetes secret, Delete the private key: # rm ./id_rsa # 4. Add ./id_rsa.pub as a deployment key with write access in your Git repo # 5. Set the secret name (e.g., nifi-registry-git-ssh) here: secretName: # 6. Provide the public key(s) of the SSH server(s) for $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts known_hosts: # 7. Set the GIT_SSH_COMMAND gitSshCommand: "ssh -v" # 8. specify the config which would go in $HOME/.ssh/config file, for e.g. # config: | # Host github.com # ProxyCommand socat STDIO PROXY::%h:%p,proxyport=,proxyauth= # User git # Hostname ssh.github.com # Port 443 # IdentityFile /etc/fluxd/ssh/identity # or, if using an SSH public/private keypair: config: | StrictHostKeyChecking accept-new # Additional environment variables to set extraEnvs: [] # extraEnvs: # - name: FOO # value: bar # Configuration to run NiFi Registry securely # c.f. https://nifi.apache.org/docs/nifi-registry-docs/html/administration-guide.html#security_configuration # TLS keystores and truststores must be configured to run secure; # see (e.g.) certManager (below) security: # Disabled by default (following the principle of least astonishment) enabled: true needClientAuth: true httpsHost: "" httpsPort: 18443 admin: "Initial Administrator" persistence: # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 1Gi # ConfigMap with users.xml and authorizations.xml keys; note that these # settings will override the admin: key above if present authConf: # cert-manager support # Setting this true will have cert-manager create a private CA just for NiFi Registry, # including certificates for each NiFi Registry node. certManager: # If true, use cert-manager to create and rotate intra-NiFi-Registry-cluster # TLS keys (note that cert-manager is a Kubernetes cluster-wide resource, so # is not installed automatically by this chart); c.f. https://cert-manager.io enabled: true # TLS Common Name of a client, suitable for using as an initial administrator. # The client certificate (including private key) will be in a Kubernetes # TLS secret of the name {{ template "nifi-registry.fullname"}}-client clientCommonName: "Initial Administrator" # Kubernetes cluster top level domain, to generate fully qualified domain names # for certificate Common Names clusterDomain: cluster.local # Java Key Store (JKS) password for NiFi Registry keystore keystorePasswd: changeme # Java Key Store (JKS) password for NiFi Registry truststore truststorePasswd: changeme # Additional DNS names to incorporate into TLS certificates (e.g. where users # point browsers to access the NiFi Registry UI) additionalDnsNames: - localhost - my-nifi-registry.company.net # Names of Kubernetes secrets containing ca.crt keys to add to the # NiFi Registry truststore (e.g. CAs of NiFi Registry clients) # If your (e.g.) OIDC server is using TLS with a private CA, then set this # to true so that Java will use the cert-manager-derived TrustStore: replaceDefaultTrustStore: true # How often the sidecar refreshes the NiFi keystore and truststore from # the cert-manager Kubernetes secrets (and other caSecrets) refreshSeconds: 300 # sidecar resources needed to populate and refresh those secrets resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi # cert-manager takes care of rotating the TLS certificates, so default # their lifetime to 90 days. But when the CA expires you may need to # 'helm delete' the cluster, delete all the TLS certificates and secrets, # and then 'helm install' the NiFi Registry cluster again. If a site-to-site trusted # CA or a NiFi Registry CA certificate expires, you'll need to restart all # pods to pick up the new version of the CA certificate. So default the CA # lifetime to 10 years to avoid that happening very often. # c.f. https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/issues/2478#issuecomment-1095545529 certDuration: 2160h0m0s caDuration: 87660h0m0s