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The CDP Upgrade Advisor is a utility available on MyCLoudera for Cloudera customers. This tool performs an evaluation of diagnostic data to determine the CDP readiness of your CDH or HDP cluster environment.


Running the upgrade advisor against the cluster in question is one of your first steps to adopting CDP, followed by an in-depth conversation with your Cloudera account team to review the specific results. This utility raises awareness of clusters that may present risks during an upgrade to CDP due to, for example, an unsupported of the operating system currently in use.


The upgrade advisor utility is focused on the environment and platform in use but doesn’t take into consideration use-cases, the actual cluster data, or workflows in use. Analysis of these critical areas occurs as part of your CDP Journey Workshop with your Cloudera account team and Professional Services.


To run the Upgrade Advisor:

  • Click Upgrade Path once logged in to to begin the evaluation based on your diagnostic data
  • The first thing you’ll see is a list of your active assets (CDH, DataFlow, HDP, Key Trustee, and CDP assets). The upgrade advisor is available only for CDH and HDP environments.
  • Click the respective CDP Upgrade Advisor link on the right-hand side of a CDH or HDP asset to obtain the evaluation results

The Upgrade Advisor determines a recommended upgrade path for the asset in question. You may see a recommendation to upgrade to CDP Data Center (Private Cloud Base), Public Cloud, or not to upgrade at this time due to the environmental failures identified.


Beneath the recommendations are details of the cluster asset being evaluated along with contact details for your Cloudera account team. 


The Evaluation Details section includes the results of the validation checks being performed against your diagnostic data. This includes risks and recommendations such as a particular service or version of 3rd party software that will not be supported after an upgrade to CDP. Each category of the evaluation details also features icons that will take you to the relevant CDP documentation.


You can view a video (recommended) about the Upgrade Advisor here.