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We had kerberised the HDP cluster and storm UI was not opening and we need to troubleshoot StormUI issue.

To put DEBUG on for STormUI follow this steps:


In Ambari - Storm - Config - STORM UI Server section

add below :

ui.childopts(original)= -Xmx768m_JAAS_PLACEHOLDER

ui.childopts = -Xmx768m_JAAS_PLACEHOLDER

we wanted to troubleshoot zookeeper as well

To put DEBUG on for Zookeeper follow this steps:


In Amabri - Zookeeeper - Advanced Zookeeper-log4j

add below:

#log4j.rootLogger=INFO,CONSOLE ***Comment this line

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,CONSOLE,ROLLINGFILE ***uncomment this line

The log file will be generated by default to /home/zookeeper/zookeeper.log if below property is set as default.


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