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Configure Eclipse with hadoop plugin

New Contributor



I've download cloudera CDH5. Now I'm configuring Eclipse (on my host machine) woth hadoop plugin.

What parameters I have to specify in: "Define Hadoop Location -> Map/Reduce Master -> Port" and "Define Hadoop Location -> DFS Master -> Port"?

I also specify Host with  ip of Clouder CDH5 VMware ip and User name=cloudera.




DFS Master (HDFS Namenode) is port 8020. The YARN Resource Manager is port
8032. I'm not that familiar with the hadoop plugin, but you should clarify
whether you want to be using MapReduce from Hadoop 2.x (YARN acts as a
scheduler, and you submit MapReduce jobs through YARN's ports). When they
say "Map/Reduce Master", to me that sounds like MR1, when MapReduce ran
it's own daemons. If it's MR1 you want to be using, you would actually want
to use the JobTracker port, which is 8021.

Even though MR1 is supported in CDH 5, we recommend Hadoop 2 / YARN for
production and MR1 is not running in the QuickStart VM by default. Some
work would be required to shutdown the YARN daemons and start the MR1
daemons; specifically, stopping that hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager and
hadoop-yarn-nodemanager services, uninstalling the hadoop-conf-pseudo
package, and installing the hadoop-0.20-conf-pseudo package instead, and
then starting the hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker and
hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-tasktracker services.

>> I also specify Host with ip of Clouder CDH5 VMware ip

Make sure that you can ping that IP from your host machine. By default, the
VM uses "NAT" which means you can't connect from your host machine. You'll
want to use a "bridged" network or something similar instead so that you
can initiate connections from your host machine.

View solution in original post


DFS Master (HDFS Namenode) is port 8020. The YARN Resource Manager is port
8032. I'm not that familiar with the hadoop plugin, but you should clarify
whether you want to be using MapReduce from Hadoop 2.x (YARN acts as a
scheduler, and you submit MapReduce jobs through YARN's ports). When they
say "Map/Reduce Master", to me that sounds like MR1, when MapReduce ran
it's own daemons. If it's MR1 you want to be using, you would actually want
to use the JobTracker port, which is 8021.

Even though MR1 is supported in CDH 5, we recommend Hadoop 2 / YARN for
production and MR1 is not running in the QuickStart VM by default. Some
work would be required to shutdown the YARN daemons and start the MR1
daemons; specifically, stopping that hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager and
hadoop-yarn-nodemanager services, uninstalling the hadoop-conf-pseudo
package, and installing the hadoop-0.20-conf-pseudo package instead, and
then starting the hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker and
hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-tasktracker services.

>> I also specify Host with ip of Clouder CDH5 VMware ip

Make sure that you can ping that IP from your host machine. By default, the
VM uses "NAT" which means you can't connect from your host machine. You'll
want to use a "bridged" network or something similar instead so that you
can initiate connections from your host machine.

New Contributor



From my host I can ping IP VMWare Cloudera. I also edited my host (  quickstart.cloudera).

This is my Eclipse MapReduce location configuration:

Schermata 2015-07-04 alle 10.51.33.png


And this is my error:

Schermata 2015-07-04 alle 10.52.33.png


Yes you are right! I'd like to use MapReduce v2 (YARN). So is it a plugin for MapReduce v2?


Thanks a lot for your help.


New Contributor

I have the same problem with my eclipse.. I tried to connect  DFS Cloudera (VMware) from eclipse(windows) via NAT and bridged network Please someone help me.  




New Contributor

Here we need to add Vm credential to get access for Hadoop ecosystem. As i am able to add username and still struggling to get the place where i need to put password.

make<your VM username>



New Contributor
Hi Vikas, Did you resolve this issue? I am also trying to connect eclipse (On windows) to Hadoop (On Ubuntu on VM).

New Contributor

I have the same problem, any solution for this?