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Error in doing lookup processor

Rising Star

Dear all,

I am using a Lookup processor, I cant find out why this is happening even there are not null!!


2024-01-19 13:33:29,195 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-148] o.a.n.processors.standard.LookupRecord LookupRecord[id=80fc149c-3740-1c93-1495-5d58f7e6e197] Failed to process StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=902a8756-04e8-4837-adc7-d7ab711fc37e,claim=StandardContentClaim [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1705642408394-2309, container=default, section=261], offset=0, length=185545],offset=0,name=e138b963-3dd9-4a3a-8f7d-5db9ca3a6758,size=185545]
org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter$AppendWriteException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null value for (non-nullable) long at nifiRecord.fs_ID

Please refer to my attachment:



I cant find out any problem in here!!Can anyone help please, Thank you so much


Rising Star

Hi anyone can help this?


Hi @jarviszzzz ,

In your DB Lookup Service , I noticed you are aliasing ID as fs_ID in the Lookup Value Columns! I dont think you do an aliasing there , this property is used to list columns that exist in the target table:

"A comma-delimited list of columns in the table that will be returned when the lookup key matches. Note that this may be case-sensitive depending on the database."

Can you try to set it to just the ID and see if it works.