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HDF3.0 sandbox

Super Collaborator

Hi All,

I am looking at the HDF3.0 sandbox - couple of observations

1. It included HDFS, YARN, MR2, HBASE etc. - I thought these are not part of HDF

so can HDF be all services except HIVE, Spark

2. In Ambari I see a lot of services with the briefcase with a + symbol - what exactly this symbol means - I started a few services still it shows the same symbol instead of green tick




Master Mentor

@Avijeet Dash

You can find the list of Supported HDF components here:

Apache Ambari 2.5.1
Apache Kafka
Apache NiFi 1.2.0
Apache Ranger 0.7.0
Apache Storm 1.1.0
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
Apache MiNiFi Java Agent 0.2.0
Apache MiNiFi C++ Technical Preview
Hortonworks Schema Registry 0.3.0
Hortonworks Streaming Analytics Manager 0.5.0


- With HDP you can get more components/service, Please see the component lists:

- Regarding the "+ symbol" can you lease share the screenshot where exactly do you see them?

- If you see the [+] symbol in the services tab on the left panel of ambari UI then it indicates maintenance mode. To know more about maintenance mode please refer to:

Setting Maintenance Mode enables you to suppress alerts and omit bulk operations for specific services, components, and hosts in an Ambari-managed cluster when you want to focus on performing hardware or software maintenance, changing configuration settings, troubleshooting, decommissioning, or removing cluster nodes.

With Sandbox few services are by default set in "Maintenance Mode".


View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@Avijeet Dash

You can find the list of Supported HDF components here:

Apache Ambari 2.5.1
Apache Kafka
Apache NiFi 1.2.0
Apache Ranger 0.7.0
Apache Storm 1.1.0
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6
Apache MiNiFi Java Agent 0.2.0
Apache MiNiFi C++ Technical Preview
Hortonworks Schema Registry 0.3.0
Hortonworks Streaming Analytics Manager 0.5.0


- With HDP you can get more components/service, Please see the component lists:

- Regarding the "+ symbol" can you lease share the screenshot where exactly do you see them?

- If you see the [+] symbol in the services tab on the left panel of ambari UI then it indicates maintenance mode. To know more about maintenance mode please refer to:

Setting Maintenance Mode enables you to suppress alerts and omit bulk operations for specific services, components, and hosts in an Ambari-managed cluster when you want to focus on performing hardware or software maintenance, changing configuration settings, troubleshooting, decommissioning, or removing cluster nodes.

With Sandbox few services are by default set in "Maintenance Mode".


Super Collaborator

Thanks @Jay SenSharma

I will read more about maintenance mode.

I learnt about what HDF includes, was wondering why in sandbox the other services are bundled..just to make demos work?