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1844 | 08-17-2016 06:06 PM | |
3352 | 07-03-2016 06:09 PM | |
3953 | 06-23-2016 02:15 PM | |
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1760 | 11-04-2015 11:35 PM |
01:48 PM
1 Kudo
@Sandeep Nemuri helped me work through this. Here are updated steps: Clone Hadoop. From the trunk branch run the following command to install protoc 2.5: brew install protobuf250 Run the following command to create symlinks for protoc 2.5: brew link --overwrite --force protobuf250 You can use the following command to verify that protoc 2.5 has been installed: protoc --version Use the following command to build ozone: mvn clean package -Phdds -Pdist -Dtar -DskipShade -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true Go to the directory that contains the Docker compose files: cd <path_to_local_github>/hadoop/hadoop-dist/target/ozone-0.2.1-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone Start ozone: docker-compose up -d Log in to the DataNode container: docker exec-it ozone_datanode_1 bash Run the ozone load generator: bin/ozone freon -validateWrites -numOfVolumes 5 -numOfBuckets 10 -numOfKeys 10 Now you should be able to see the OzoneManager UI at http://localhost:9874/
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12:51 PM
@Ajay, I checked out the HDFS-7240 branch and ran the build command (on Mac OS X). That seemed to work and downloaded a bunch of files, but then failed saying "hdsl" does not exist: [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12.615 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-08-30T07:09:47-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 127M/1258M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[WARNING] The requested profile "hdsl" could not be activated because it does not exist.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-maven-plugins:3.2.0-SNAPSHOT:protoc (compile-protoc) on project hadoop-common: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: 'protoc --version' did not return a version -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :hadoop-common
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03:35 PM
Thanks @Naveen Kumar Mahadevuni & @Deepak Sharma, we will update the docs ASAP.
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01:58 AM
The Security Guide was extensively updated to reflect new Ranger and Knox features for HDP 2.5. This new content includes:
Ranger-Atlas integration using tag-based services and policies. Tags and policy evaluation. Atlas Ranger Authorization plugin. Ranger-Hive row-filtering and column-masking. Migration script to convert from Audit-to-DB to Audit-to-Solr. Ranger Reports page improvements. Knox SSO. Ranger Usersync enhancements. Ranger High Availability (added to Apache Hadoop High Availability guide). Updates to reflect the new Ambari Infra Solr instance. The Data Governance guide was completely rewritten for HDP 2.5 to reflect new Apache Atlas capabilities, along with a new Atlas UI. This new content includes:
Atlas-Ranger integration and Tag synch. Installation and Configuration. Configuring Atlas Security. Configuring Atlas High Availability. Searching and viewing Atlas Assets. Working with Atlas tags. Enabling and Managing the Atlas Business Taxonomy (Technical Preview). Updated REST API resources.
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06:06 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Tim David, we don't currently cover multihoming in the HWX documentation, but we are planning on adding that information. At this point I think those two links are the best source of information on multihoming. There's also a blog post on multihoming: I don't think Ambari currently offers any automatic configuration for multihoming.
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10:46 AM
The most recent HAWQ sandbox based on HDP-2.4 is available here: In the Hortonworks Data Platform Add-ons section (on the page), I see the broken "Automated (with Ambari)" link (under "Hortonworks HDB powered by Apache HAWQ"). @Rafael Coss, should this link be updated to point to the Pivotal docs?
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06:09 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks @Sunile Manjee, but we only control the content on I filed a website JIRA for this issue:
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02:15 PM
@Ventseslav Vat, BUG-60085 has been resolved, so this update will be in the next version (HDP-2.5) of the Sandbox.
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01:51 PM
@Ventseslav Vat, I filed a JIRA against the Sandbox for this issue (, so the Sandbox team will take it from here. Thanks very much for letting us know about this issue.
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06:50 PM
And more API doc info is available here: The DB docs link opens this page: with API and porting info.
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