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2239 | 02-27-2019 09:30 AM |
03:44 AM
Hello, Did you solve this issue? Does your readings works well with NiFi from the Modbus device?
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12:35 AM
You can handle the errors or outputs better with the custom processor approach.
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05:20 PM
I really appreciated your work. I bookmarked this page.
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08:27 AM
Hello @Yuma I, how did you read modbus data with nifi? Can you share your custom processor?
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11:23 AM
Hello @Vasilis Vagias, some other tutorials state that "NOTE: ExecuteScript will perform a session.commit() at the end of each execution to ensure the operations have been committed. You do not need to (and should not) perform a session.commit() within the script." (Source:Link ) Do we really need to use commit statement?
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09:37 AM
Thanks Chris, it is also my use case for NiFi. Can you provide a download link for the template? Thanks.
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09:30 AM
I've fixed it by using RouteOnAttribute to http.request.url attribute.
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06:45 PM
I've investigated a bit more and I've found this. "http.request.url" attribute has an "http://localhost:8011/favicon.ico" value for one of them and the other one has "http://localhost:8011".
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04:17 PM
Hi, I need to handle an HTTP request and I need to respond an HTML file with NiFi. My flow is like HandleHttpRequest -> ExecuteSQL -> HandleHttpResponse. I need to query our database to show proper HTML result. My problem is HandleHttpRequest runs twice for each request when triggered by browsers such as Chrome, Firefox. HandleHttpRequest runs once if I use Postman or SoapUI. I've tried to eliminate the second call by using HashContent and DetectDuplicate but it makes some of our requests fail. I've investigated the issue and I've found that Chrome and Firefox creates an additional request for displaying favicon and sometimes some other reasons. (Link) I need to find real request and I need to eliminate other requests. The real request can be the second one depending on the browser status. Browser decides when to create new requests and their orders. So, my question is how can I run my flow exactly one time when user creates request from their browser? Because I do some operations on the database and second call ruins these operations. Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:32 PM
You need to give an attribute to the response object by clicking to + sign. The processor must be stopped to add an attribute. Then response is HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 13:27:12 GMT
Content-Type: xml
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: Jetty(9.4.3.v20170317) You may also look at another anwser here
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