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4232 | 07-02-2016 06:08 AM |
04:16 PM
yes, I have restored the tables using the backup I have taken before I stopped old PostgreSQL(8.4). reinitializing it with option 4 solved the issue. Thank you.
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03:12 PM
We have a four-node Hadoop cluster with HDP 2.4 and Kerberos installed in it. As this is our production cluster, We wanted to have HA for all the services including the PostgreSQL database which is used by Hive, Ambari, and Oozie for storing the metadata. However, the version of our PostgreSQL, which is 8.4.2 doesn't support the inbuilt feature(stream replication) of Postgres. So, we have decided to upgrade PostgreSQL to a version(9.3) ambari supports. I followed this link to upgrade the Postgres. Everything went well. Expect that, we are getting the following error when restarting ambari server. Ambari Server running with administrator privileges.
Running initdb: This may take upto a minute.
Data directory is not empty!
Could someone help? Thanks.
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10:10 AM
@Benjamin Leonhardi "but it is written in parallel to the other two nodes in a chain" Can you explain this ? What do you mean by a chain? Are you telling its sequential ?
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11:53 AM
Hi @Ana Gillan how to remove reflect from the blacklist ?
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06:08 AM
Organisations restrict user access to specific servers and computers using a logon option. If an user is given logon to all computers option. Then only he/she is able to login into ambari/hue/ranger UI using their active directory credentials. I feel that is against an organisational policies. Is there an other way around to achieve this functionality like giving access to url the way we are giving access to systems ?
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02:58 PM
Hi, We are planning to set up HDP 2.4 on 6 node production cluster with services like HDFS, MapReduce, Yarn, Hive, HBase, Oozie, Zookeper, Knox, Ranger. We also want to integrate all the nodes with AD using SSSD and add kerberos security to it. Please find below configuration details of these nodes. 20 cores per machine 128 to 440GB 36 TB storage we are planning to have HA enabled. Any suggestion on how the services should be spread across nodes? Is it advisable to have Ambari server and name-node on the same node?
Even if we handle the name-node disaster using HA enabled for name-node. As Ambari don't have HA. How do we handle the situation, if a node with Ambari server install go down ? Is it advisable to have a edge node ? What are the advantages of having it ? Can edge node have different OS than the cluster OS ? I think that its not possible to have edge node with different version of OS as the clients need to installed in it. But the situation is that, we are using Red hat 7 for cluster and we want to use HUE. Hue being incompatible with Red hat 7, only option we can think of is, having an edge node with Cent-OS 6 and installing hue in it. Is there any other way to achieve this ? If we have a edge node, as this is the single point of access to cluster resources. Do we still need to have AD integrated with all the cluster nodes or edge node alone will do the thing?(assuming the kerberos is enabled in cluster.)
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
10:14 AM
Hi @Sagar Shimpi Yes there were able to login into SSSD integrated nodes. But not able to login into ranger, Ambari and HUE. If I am not wrong and If you could see the logs, it actually returned object for koushik.veldanda using search bind. But it wasn't able to authenticate. Password is definitely not wrong, so the only issue could be with DN or Bind. What are things that could cause this? Does this have anything to do with encryption ? But why only few users were able to login?? and guess what these are the users who are working on this project ? But we didn't specified any such restriction. What do you mean by network connectivity with ldap server?
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02:19 PM
I have integrated my hue.ini configuration file for both Direct and search bind. It was able to identify the users in search bind but giving an error "user DN/password rejected by LDAP server." only for some users are able to login into it. Any idea about root cause of this error? The same is the problem with ranger and ambari . Is it because other users don't have special privileges which these users have? Logs attached. [20/May/2016 20:38:48 +0000] backend DEBUG Django user vinay.potnuru does not have a profile to populate
[20/May/2016 20:38:48 +0000] backend DEBUG Populating Django user vinay.potnuru
[20/May/2016 20:38:48 +0000] config DEBUG search_s('OU=Developers,DC=company,DC=com', 2, '(&(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)(objectclass=*))') returned 1 objects: cn=vinay potnuru,ou=users,ou=Developers,dc=company,dc=com
[20/May/2016 20:38:48 +0000] access DEBUG -anon- - "POST /accounts/login/ HTTP/1.1"
[20/May/2016 20:38:44 +0000] access WARNING -anon- - "POST /accounts/login/ HTTP/1.1" -- Failed login for user "koushik.veldanda"
[20/May/2016 20:38:44 +0000] backend DEBUG Authentication failed for koushik.veldanda: user DN/password rejected by LDAP server.
[20/May/2016 20:38:44 +0000] config DEBUG search_s('OU=Developers,DC=company,DC=com', 2, '(&(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)(objectclass=*))') returned 1 objects: cn=koushik veldanda,ou=users,ou=Developers,dc=company,dc=com
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Ranger
Cloudera Hue
08:10 AM
@Artem Ervits whom are you referring to by "admin" ? FYI. I am using AD as KDC. I don't have a local KDC.
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03:46 AM
1 Kudo
does the user has to manually run "kinit" command in order to get the ticket ?? let say, i have a hue interface where AD users can log in and fire the queries. If that is the case, how will he get the ticket ?? PS: we configured SSSD to authenticate the users in AD.
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