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7073 | 11-09-2017 03:01 PM |
11:03 AM
Thanks @Karthik Palanisamy for sharing this article. I have done the same activity without initializing shared edits or stopping the entire HDFS service. Below are the steps which I have followed. Can you please elaborate why we need to re-initialize the shared edits and correct me if the steps I have followed are not appropriate one. 1. Change the settings in Ambari for journal node edits directory(dfs.journalnode.edits.dir) from /hadoop/hdfs/journal/ to /data/1/journal/
2. Don't restart any services immediately.
3. Stop the journal node on NODE1.
a. SSH to NODE1
b. sudo mkdir -p /data/1/journal
c. sudo chown hdfs:hadoop /data/1/journal
d. sudo rsync -ahvAX /hadoop/hdfs/journal/* /data/1/journal/
Start the journal node on NODE1
4. Repeat step 3 for remaining two journal nodes NODE2 and NODE3.
5. Restart the required services accordingly (Rolling or All at once)
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03:01 PM
Apologies @nkumar for the delay in response. The issue is related to Ambari which behaves differently after disabling and re-enabling the kerberos. Issue got fixed after making changes to ambari with the help of Hortonworks Support using below REST calls. curl -u test:test -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/clusters/MyClusterName/services/KERBEROS curl -u test:test -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/clusters/MyClusterName/services/KERBEROS/components/KERBEROS_CLIENT curl -s -u test:test http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/hosts|grep host_name| sed -n 's/.*"host_name" : "\([^\"]*\)".*/\1/p'>hostcluster.txt for i in `cat hostcluster.txt`; do curl -u test:test -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X POST http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/clusters/MyClusterName/hosts/$i/host_components/KERBEROS_CLIENT; done curl -u test:test -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X PUT -d '{"HostRoles": {"state":"INSTALLED"}}' http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/clusters/MyClusterName/host_components?HostRoles/state=INIT curl -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -u test:test -i -X PUT -d @./payload.json http://ambari-server:8080/api/v1/clusters/MyClusterName
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11:49 AM
Hi @Geoffrey Shelton Okot, I have checked the content and everything looks good and we are using same krb config files across different clusters. I dont see any discrepencies with the kerberos.
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12:42 PM
Thanks @Geoffrey Shelton Okot for the quick response. Ambari is running as an user which has got sudo privileges. And auto-start services is enabled but only metrics-collector is enabled. In the KDC i can see that it has created corresponding principals associated with the service and hostnames. Only issue i have observed is it stopped creating keytab files and distribute it to the designated system which ambari reported successful. I have carried out this activity some 9-10 times but all the time its ending up without creating keytab files.
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12:33 PM
Yes I have regenerated but it didn't help. What i have seen is it didn't create new keytabs.
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10:08 AM
Hi All, I'm facing an issue while installing a new component to already kerberized cluster. The installation happens successfully without any issues but services do not start due to unavailability of keytab file on that host where new component is installed. After the installation I validated that new keytab files are not created in the designated location but ambari says it has created the keytabs and distributed to that host. Ambari : 2.5.1 HDP : 2.6.1
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
09:11 AM
Thanks @Xiaoyu Yao for the details and documentation link.
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11:54 AM
Hi All, Is there a way to only make AD username as the owner of HDFS files/directories instead of userName@domainName. Current Scenario : hdfs dfs -ls /testfile
-rw-r--r-- 3 hdfs 0 2017-06-30 10:06 /testfile I want this to be like below. hdfs dfs -ls /testfile
-rw-r--r-- 3 dgiri hdfs 0 2017-06-30 10:06 /testfile
Please note that cluster is AD integrated and everything is working fine as expected except the files/directories ownership. Also, I'm getting below INFO message whenever I run hdfs commands. Is there a way to stop displaying below message ? 17/09/19 12:50:13 INFO util.KerberosName: No auth_to_local rules applied to Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
12:46 PM
Hi All, I'm getting the same issue after kerberizing the cluster though it's a newly built one. HDP- Ambari -
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09:53 AM
Below KB article helped me to resolve the issue.
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