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Announcing: Cloudera Enterprise 5.3.8

Super Collaborator

We are pleased to announce the release of Cloudera Enterprise 5.3.8 (CDH 5.3.8, Cloudera Manager 5.3.8, and Cloudera Navigator 2.2.8).  

Cloudera Enterprise 5.3.8

This release fixes key bugs and includes the following.

  • CDH fixes for the following issues:

    • Spooling Directory Source dies on encountering zero-byte files.

    • Applications fail on NodeManager restart on some Linux distributions because NodeManager container recovery declares AM container as LOST.

    • Fixed a race condition in the ResourceManager's ZooKeeper-based state-store to avoid crashing on duplicate deletes.

    • Allow mlockagent to be used when not starting as root.

    • java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException when union all with if function.

For a full list of upstream JIRAs fixed in CDH 5.3.8, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.

  • Cloudera Manager fixes for the following issues:

    • Rolling Restart fails when inheriting inappropriate JVM properties.

    • Exception thrown when viewing host configuration change.  

For full list of issues fixed in Cloudera Manager 5.3.8, see the issues fixed section of the Release Notes.

  • There are no updates in Cloudera Navigator 2.2.8.

We look forward to you trying it out, using the information below:


As always, we are happy to hear your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group or through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external JIRA projects on