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Issue while inserting into Managed table with Partition

New Contributor

Hi There,

I am trying to insert data into Hive Managed table that has partition.

Show create table output for reference.

|                                          createtab_stmt                                          |
| CREATE TABLE `part_test08`(                                                                      |
|   `id` string,                                                                                   |
|   `name` string,                                                                                 |
|   `baseamount` double,                                                                           |
|   `billtoaccid` string,                                                                          |
|   `extendedamount` double,                                                                       |
|   `netamount` decimal(19,5),                                                                     |
|   `netunitamount` decimal(19,5),                                                                 |
|   `pricingdate` timestamp,                                                                       |
|   `quantity` int,                                                                                |
|   `invoiceid` string,                                                                            |
|   `shiptoaccid` string,                                                                          |
|   `soldtoaccid` string,                                                                          |
|   `ingested_on` timestamp,                                                                       |
|   `external_id` string)                                                                          |
| PARTITIONED BY (                                                                                 |
|   `productid` string)                                                                            |
| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                                                                 |
|   ''                                                    |
| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                                                                            |
|   ''                                              |
| OUTPUTFORMAT                                                                                     |
|   ''                                             |
| LOCATION                                                                                         |
|   'wasb://'  |
| TBLPROPERTIES (                                                                                  |
|   'bucketing_version'='2',                                                                       |
|   'transactional'='true',                                                                        |
|   'transactional_properties'='default',                                                          |
|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1549962363')                                                          |

Trying to execute sql statement to insert records into part table like below.

sparkSession.sql("INSERT INTO TABLE db_103.part_test08 PARTITION(ProductId) SELECT reflect('java.util.UUID', 'randomUUID'),stg_name,stg_baseamount,stg_billtoaccid,stg_extendedamount,stg_netamount,stg_netunitamount,stg_pricingdate,stg_quantity,stg_invoiceid,stg_shiptoaccid,stg_soldtoaccid,'2019-02-12 09:06:07.566',stg_id,stg_ProductId FROM tmp_table WHERE part_id IS NULL");

Without insert statement if we run select query then getting below data.

|reflect(java.util.UUID, randomUUID)|stg_name|stg_baseamount|     stg_billtoaccid|stg_extendedamount|stg_netamount|stg_netunitamount|    stg_pricingdate|stg_quantity|stg_invoiceid|     stg_shiptoaccid|     stg_soldtoaccid|2019-02-12 09:06:07.566|stg_id|stg_ProductId|
|               4e0b4331-b551-42d...|    OLI6|          16.0|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|            34.567|   1166.74380|        916.78000|2018-10-18 05:06:22|          13|           I1|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|   2019-02-12 09:06:...|     6|           P3|
|               8b327a8e-dd3c-445...|    OLI7|          16.0|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|            34.567|    766.74380|       1016.78000|2018-10-18 05:06:22|          13|           I6|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|   2019-02-12 09:06:...|     7|           P4|
|               c0e14b9a-8d1a-426...|    OLI5|       14.6555|                null|             34.56|    500.87000|        814.65000|2018-10-11 05:06:22|          45|           I4|29B73C4E-846B-E71...|29B73C4E-846B-E71...|   2019-02-12 09:06:...|     5|           P1|

Getting below error with Managed Table.

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: Exception when loading 3 in table part_test04 with loadPath=wasb://;
        at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.loadDynamicPartitions(

Exception when loading partition with parameters  partPath=wasb://,  table=part_test04,  partSpec={productid=P1},  loadFileType=KEEP_EXISTING,  listBucketingLevel=0,  isAcid=false,  hasFollowingStatsTask=false
        at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.addWriteNotificationLog(
        at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.loadPartition(

Also I can see some warnings as below not sure its related to error or not.

Cannot get ACID state for db_103.part_test08 from null

One more note : If I use External Table then it is working fine.

We are using Azure HDInsight Spark 2.3 (HDI 4.0 Preview) cluster. Service Stacks as below.

HDFS : 3.1.1

Hive : 3.1.0

Spark2 : 2.3.1



Hi @Raj Zalavadia

As described in SPARK-16996 and SPARK-15348, Spark currently doesn't support Hive ACID ( v1 (Hive 1.XX) or v2 (3.XX) )

To circumvent that you can use the Hive Warewhouse connector.

It will create the necessary link between the 2 components, by getting Spark to connect via Hive Server2.
I'm not sure if it's directly bundled into HDI (should be).

In any case, it's available publicly at :

You'll find the documentation here :

Here's another HCC article that gives you a concrete example on how to use it. :

To get you started, here's a quick example of how to use it :

1. The Hive Warehouse connector must be given as a dependency to spark

spark.jars=[path to the Hive warehouse connector]
usually : /usr/hdp/current/hive_warehouse_connector/hive-warehouse-connector-assembly-[Build version].jar 

2. It also requiers a few more configuration - basically describing where the Hive meta store and Hive Server2 instances reside

spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.metastoreUri=thrift://[YOUR METASTORE URI]:9083
spark.hadoop.hive.zookeeper.quorum=[YOUR HIVE ZOOKEEPER QUORUM]:2181
spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2t.jdbc.url=[YOUR HIVE LLAP JDBC URL] 

These can be passed as spark conf items

--conf spark.hadoop.hive.llap.daemon.service.hosts=@llap0

or as extra configuration parameters for spark notebooks (ex : zeppelin)


3. Create a hiveWarhouse context

import com.hortonworks.hwc.HiveWarehouseSession 
import com.hortonworks.hwc.HiveWarehouseSession._ 

val hive = HiveWarehouseSession.session(spark).build() 
//set a database 
//show table 

4. Query Data

val flights_df = hive.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM flights WHERE year = 1989") 

|   12|        25|        1|   1415|      1415|   1547|      1552|           US|     1478|     NA|               92|            97|   null|      -5|       0|   TPA| CLT|     508|  null|   null|        0|              NA|       0|        null|        null|    null|         null|             null|1989|

5. Write data Back to Hive ( in ACID Format )

hive.table("flights").filter("month = 01")
  .option("table", "flight_2019_01")