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NIFI UI invalid state




I performed a successful fresh installation of HDF 3.3.1 cluster on one machine (CentOS 7).

During the installation, Ambari recommend to enable SSL for Nifi.

Now installation done, all services are up. When connecting to Nifi, it uses 9091 port. The web page is unreachable.

I changed the Advanced nifi-ambari-ssl-config by disabling SSL.

Now when trying to open Nifi webpage, it uses the 9090 port (instead of 9091) and I got the attached message.

Can you please help me to fix this issue.



New Contributor

I got the exact error when I turned on SSL for NIFI. In NIFI - Cluster, it shows the nifi service on 9090 port and on 9091 port. The 9090 connection is not able to connect because this port is switched to 9091. There is a button to delete the connection, but I haven't tried it yet so far. Did you make any progress on this issue? Thanks a lot!