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Authorization questions LDAP

Rising Star

 Hi, I'm trying to enable authorization system in Cloudera.

I'm reading this link .

Q0: Why can we use LdapGroupsMapping in production environment? I would like to use Apache Zeppline to integreted Apache Spark. I would like to use LDAP as a unifined account system.

Q1: If I use, Should I create users and groups in EVERY host in my cluster?

Q2: If I use When new users and groups are created, will they sync to EVERY host in my cluster?

Q3:When adding new service in Cloudera Manager, for example, kafka service, will `kafka` user created both in LDAP database and EVERY host in my cluster?

Q4: I've enabled MIT kerberos in my cluster. Can I submit task from Windows IDE with proper kerberos keytab files. For example, using impyla in Python in Windows machine.

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