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After enabling Kerberos with option 'Manage Kerberos principals and keytabs manually', adding a new component will not respond. This is due to a bug in Ambari 2.2. Refer link. Below is the error message reported on the web console

Error: http://{ambari-server}:8080/api/v1/clusters/{cluster_name}/services/KERBEROS?fields=Services/attribu...


Add KERBEROS service via API as below and try installing the component and then remove the KERBEROS service

1. Run the below curl command on the ambari-server (Enable admin user if disabled)

curl -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -u admin:admin -i -X POST http://<ambari-server-host>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<cluster-name>/services/KERBEROS 

2. Add the new component which was failing before with the above error using Add service wizard

3. Once the installation is complete you can remove the service Kerberos using the below curl command

curl -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -u admin:admin -i -X DELETE http://<ambari-server-host>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<cluster-name>/services/KERBEROS