Community Articles

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Communities form when like-minded individuals join together in pursuit of a common goal. We promote togetherness. A shared purpose. An understanding that we’re better together.

This is why we’re thrilled to announce that coming in early August, the Hortonworks and Cloudera communities will unite under one roof. The Cloudera Community will launch later this summer with a new design and across-the-board improvements.

I like the Hortonworks Community, though! Why are we changing things?

Because your experience matters to us. We took the best of HCC – Q&A, user articles, and badges – and added innovative functionality, a simplified user experience, and so much more.

The new, upgraded community will deliver and drive our goals to provide quality answers, expertise, self-help, peer-to-peer and customer journey support. Here’s just a taste of what you can expect from the new Cloudera Community:

  • Modernized Platform: Powered by the Khoros platform, home to over 2,000 major brand’s support communities — like Microsoft, HP, and Cisco — is an industry-leading platform that will make it easier for you to engage, get answers, find solutions, and more.

  • Feature Upgrades: We’re keeping the features you love and adding new innovations like advanced search, revised question categories, mobile-friendly responsive viewing, robust user profiles, and one-click access to ask questions.

  • New Badge and Ranking System: Your HCC badges will transfer over but will be archived as we’re retiring the existing points system. But don’t worry, under the new Reputation System you’ll get a chance to participate and earn new badges and accomplishments. Stay tuned!

This is only the beginning! As you learn more about the new Cloudera Community in the coming weeks, we want to hear from you. What do you like? What can we do better? Your feedback is vital to our success both now and in the future.

The Cloudera Community is just around the corner. Our dedicated team will make sure you have the right information at the right time to help you through this transition. Stay tuned for more information and we can’t wait to see you there!

—The HCC and Cloudera Community Team

Community Upgrade & Migration Related Announcement Links:

  1. HCC Community Merge (6/26)

  2. What’s Changing for Hortonworks Community Connection (7/10)

  3. Community Changes and Feature Definitions Details (7/10)

  4. Accessing The Cloudera Community After Migration (7/21)

  5. Migrating your HCC Reputation: What You Need to Know (7/23)


What will happen to existing HCC posts and articles? Will these exist on the new platform?

Master Mentor

With the merger, we expected that sooner or later, the HCC is more vibrant than the Cloudera community how will solutions and KB's note and even the leaderboard scores be merged with the new platform?

Can we also have a preview of the new CDP and access may be a restricted release of the new platform?

Many questions but few answers it would be lovely to have a new track for CDP as we are oblivious of the date of release !


Yes! Existing HCC questions/answers/comments and articles will migrated to the new combined community. We'll be announcing the details in this space in the coming weeks.


@Geoffrey Shelton Okot with regard to the above question about CDP, you are correct HCC doesn't have a track for CDP, but earlier today I posted a FAQ about CDP that I hope helps.


On Tue Jul 23 10:38:22 UTC 2019 the above article was updated to include the four Community Upgrade & Migration Related Announcement links at the end.