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MiNiFi (Java Version) is essentially NiFi with a few differences and hence why it runs so darn well on containers/Kubernetes. The use case is to have a single management console (Edge Flow Manager) to manage 0 + many MiNiFi agents which require autoscaling on Kubernetes based on some arbitrary metrics...for example CPU/RAM threshold. EFM and NiFi Registry are required but don't need autoscaling; therefore, these services will be deployed on Azure Container Service. MiNiFi on the other hand often benefits from autoscaling and hence it will be deployed on Azure Kubernetes Service.

Required for this demonstration



This is a 10k foot view of the architecture. EFM communicates with MiNiFi agents about the work they need to do. EFM also communicates with NiFi Registry to store/version control flows will get passed to the MiNiFi agents.

Deploy NiFi Registry and EFM on Azure Container Service110366-2019-08-14-13-57-18.jpg

Since EFM and Registry don't really benefit from autoscaling, they both are great fit for Azure container service (Mostly Static installs). ACS will guarantee EFM and NiFi registry are alway up with 1 container instance each. EFM, MiNiFi, and Registry have all been imported into my container registry on azure.

Create NiFi Registry on ACS

NiFi Registry variables to note

  • --name
    • Name of the nifi registry container
  • --dns-name-label
    • Prefix for the dns on the registry service. This will be used as an input into EFM container environment variable
az container create --resource-group sunmanCentralRG --name mynifiregistry --image --dns-name-label nifiregistry --ports 18080 --registry-username ****** --registry-password ******

Create EFM on ACS

EFM variables to note

  • --NIFI_REGISTRY should match NiFi registry Container DNS (fully qualified server name)
  • --dns-name-label
    • DNS prefix
az container create --resource-group sunmanCentralRG --name efm --image --dns-name-label myefm --ports 10080 --registry-username ***** --registry-password **** --environment-variables 'NIFI_REGISTRY_ENABLED'='true' 'NIFI_REGISTRY_BUCKETNAME'='testbucket' 'NIFI_REGISTRY'=''

Create a 'testbucket' on NiFi Registry

MiNiFi flows will be designed using EFM and stored in the NiFi Registry bucket 'testbucket'. This bucket name was identified as a variable during EFM container was creation.


NiFi registry will be available under

YourNiFiRegistryDSN:18080/nifi-registry/ . For example

  • Click on "NEW BUCKET",
  • Enter bucket name - testbucket
  • Click create


Validate EFM is up

EFM UI will be available under for example

Run MiNiFi Kubernetes Deployment

The easiest way to run a deployment in k8s is to build a manifest file. To learn more about k8s manifest files here. Look for < > in the manifest below, as these are the variables a change prior to your deployment (only a few, super simple).

Variable to Note

    • This will be the agent class published to EFM. To learn more about EFM, go here

Kubernet Manifest File:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: minifi
  replicas: 1
      app: minifi
        app: minifi
      - name: minifi-container
        image: <Your Containe Registry>/minifi-azure-aws:latest
        - containerPort: 10080
          name: http
        - containerPort: 6065
          name: listenhttp  
        - containerPort: 22
          name: ssh
            cpu: ".05"
            memory: "1Gi"
            cpu: "1"
        - name: NIFI_C2_ENABLE
          value: "true"
        - name: MINIFI_AGENT_CLASS
          value: "test"
        - name: NIFI_C2_REST_URL
          value: "http://<Your EFM servername>"
        - name: NIFI_C2_REST_URL_ACK
          value: "http://<Your EFM servername>"
kind: Service             #+
apiVersion: v1            #+
metadata:                 #+
  name: minifi-service     #+
spec:                     #+
  selector:               #+
    app: minifi            #+
  ports:                  #+
  - protocol: TCP         #+
    targetPort: 10080     #+
    port: 10080              #+
    name: http            #+
  - protocol: TCP         #+
    targetPort: 22        #+
    port: 22              #+
    name: ssh             #+
  - protocol: TCP         #+
    targetPort: 6065        #+
    port: 6065              #+
    name: listenhttp             #+
  type: LoadBalancer      #+

Once the manifest file has been updated, store it as minifi.yml (this can be any name). Deploy on k8s using

kubectl apply -f minifi.yml


sunile.manjee@hwx:~/Documents/GitHub/AKS-YAMLS(master:high_voltage:) » kubectl apply -f minifi.yml
deployment.extensions/minifi created
service/minifi-service created
sunile.manjee@hwx:~/Documents/GitHub/AKS-YAMLS(master:high_voltage:) »

MiNiFi has been successfully deployed. To verify successful deployment visit EFM. EFM should show the agent class name 'test' matching the class name used in the minifi k8s manifest file.


Open the class and design any flow. Here I simply used GenerateFlowFile and terminated success relationship with 3 concurrent threads


Click on publish and soon thereafter MiNiFi will be executing the flow.

AutoScale MiNiFi

At this time a single MiNiFi container/agent is executing flows. I purposefully set MiNiFi CPU allocation (manifest file) to a small number to force the autoscaling.

First lets check the number of minifi pods running on k8s


Single MiNiFi pod. Lets check if autoscaling is enabled for this deployment


To enable autoscaling on k8s:

kubectl autoscale deployment minifi --cpu-percent=25 --min=1 --max=3

minifi is the deployment name. If CPU utilization exceeds 25%, the autoscaler increases the pods up to a maximum of 3 instances. A ...

Verify autoscaling is enabled on the minifi deployment


Number of minifi pods after autoscaling was enabled (3).110397-2019-08-14-15-04-13.jpg

Kubernetes added 2 additional MiNiFi pods. Lets kill one of the pods and see what happens


Kubernetes immediately launched a new MiNiFi container after a MiNiFi pod was killed.

Enjoy AutoScale on MiNiFi!
