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Big Data Wrangling on HDP with Trifacta - How to Get started

Data Preparation is a constant challenge for any enterprise and the speed, diversity and volumes of data introduced by Big Data simply amplify this problem substantially. Trifacta with HDP helps introduce a new approach to organizing, cleansing, enriching and structuring your data, Data Wrangling, where business users are able to connect and engage with the data to drive out high quality data sets for analytics.

Step 1: Download VM

Trifacta would like to provide Hortonworks partners and SI's with an opportunity to test drive Data Wrangling on HDP. Here is a link to a pre-configured virtual machine containing Trifacta Enterprise and HDP 2.3. Feel free to download and try Wrangling today:

user: hortonworks

pw: wrangler

Step 2: Start VM and access consoles

The Trifacta Enterprise Wrangler on HDP is built on HDP 2.3 and the demo/sandbox instance of Centos. To access the instance:

When using vmware desktop/fusion, the VM is configured to share with your host (NAT) so the IP issued to your VM should be

something like this, so the ambari login is:

login to ambari (admin/admin) to ensure your HDP services are running

NOTE: If using VirtualBox, port forwarding will allow you to access these services on the same ports, but through localhost:

to access the vm via ssh:

ssh root@

pw: Wrangler!123

to start the trifacta service, type:

service trifacta start

to access the trifacta UI,

user: admin@trifacta.local

pw: admin

Step 3: Try out the demos

The demo instance comes configured with 11 canned trifacta demos, the datasets for these is available for use immediately:

  • CPG_CrossSell
  • IoT_CityBike
  • CPG_InventoryPlanning
  • Pharmacovigilance_DrugSafety
  • ClickStream_WeblogAnalytics
  • SIEM_CyberSecurity
  • DemoContentOverview.pdf
  • SalesDashboard_For_Executives
  • FinServ_TraderFraud
  • TelcoChurn_4MinuteDemo
  • TelcoChurn_Customer360
  • Insurance_CrossSell

Data Wrangling allows a business user to discovery, register, transform, structure and publish high quality analytic data sets in a matter of minutes.

Register on the Trifacta Partner Portal for more information of these demos.

for more, visit

Master Guru

is there an update for 2.4?