Created on 06-21-201908:02 PM - edited 08-17-201902:18 PM
Building an Apache NiFi processor is super easy. I have seen/read several articles on how to get started by executing maven commands via CLI. This article is geared towards individuals who like to use an IDE (specially IntelliJ) to do the imports instead of running via CLI.
On IntelliJ click on create project, Check "Create from archetype", click on "ADD Archetype" and enter the following
GroupId: org.apache.nifi
ArtifactId: nifi-processor-bundle-archetype
Version: <YourVersionOfNifi>
and then click "OK"
Now your new NiFi Archetype has been created. Select it
Enter GroupId, ArtifactId, and Version of your choice
A final attribute we need to add is artifactBaseName. This is mandatory. Click on "+" and enter