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Assumption - HDP 2.5.3 and above versions and kerberized cluster.

Create a hplsql-site.xml as per the below template.

<description>The default connection profile</description>
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection (embedded mode)</description>
set hive.execution.engine=mr;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
<description>Convert SQL statements before execution</description><
<description>Hive embedded JDBC (not requiring HiveServer)</description>
<description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection</description>
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
use default;
<description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>
<description>Convert SQL statements before execution</description>
<description>IBM DB2 connection</description>
<description>Teradata connection</description>
<description>MySQL connection</description>
<description>Single row, single column table for internal operations</description>
<description>How to execute INSERT VALUES statement: native (default) and select</description>
<description>Error handling behavior: exception (default), seterror and stop</description>
<description>Temporary tables: native (default) and managed</description>
<description>Schema for managed temporary tables</description>
<description>LOcation for managed temporary tables in HDFS</description>

Modify the LLAP hostname and the hive Principal based on the cluster environment in the following section

Note: This is a kerberized cluster
  <description>HiveServer2 JDBC connection</description>
     set hive.execution.engine=tez;
     use default;
  <description>Statements for execute after connection to the database</description>

Update the hive-hplsql jar file with the modified hplsql-site.xml

cd /usr/hdp/current/hive-server2-hive2/lib;
/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_77/bin/jar uf hive-hplsql-2.1.0.XXX.jar hplsql-site.xml; 
Note: Please refer to your JDK version path

Authenticate the user with the KDC

kinit <user principal>

Execute the HPLSQL code as below

./hplsql -f /root/myhpl.sql

If success then you must be seeing the logs as below,

Starting SQL statement
SQL statement executed successfully (128 ms)
Starting SQL statement
SQL statement executed successfully (145 ms)