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Master Guru

This article describes various "recipes" on how to accomplish certain tasks with the NiFi processor ExecuteScript, with examples given in Groovy, Jython, Javascript (Nashorn), and JRuby. This is Part 2 in the series, I will be discussing reading from and writing to flow file contents, as well as error handling.

Part 1 - Introduction to the NiFi API and FlowFiles

  • Getting a flow file from an incoming queue
  • Creating new flow files
  • Working with flow file attributes
  • Transferring a flow file
  • Logging

Part 2 - FlowFile I/O and Error Handling

  • Reading from a flow file
  • Writing to a flow file
  • Reading and writing to/from a flow file
  • Error Handling

Part 3 - Advanced Features

  • Using Dynamic Properties
  • Adding Modules
  • State Management
  • Accessing Controller Services

  • Introduction to FlowFile I/O

    Flow files in NiFi are made of two major components, attributes and content. Attributes are metadata about the content / flow file, and we saw how to manipulate them using ExecuteScript in Part 1 of this series. The content of a flow file is, at its heart, simply a collection of bytes and has no inherent structure, schema, format, etc. Various NiFi processors assume the incoming flow files have a particular schema/format (or determine it from attributes such as "mime.type" or infer it in other ways). These processors can then act upon the content based on the assumption that the files really do have that format (and will often transfer to a "failure" relationship if they do not). Also processors may output flow files in a specified format, this is described in the processors' descriptions in the NiFi documentation.

    Input and Output (I/O) for the contents of flow files is provided via the ProcessSession API and thus the "session" variable for ExecuteScript (see Part 1 for more information). One mechanism for this is to pass a callback object into a call to or session.write(). An InputStream and/or OutputStream will be created for the FlowFile object, and the callback object will be invoked using the corresponding callback interface, with the InputStream and/or OutputStream references passed in for use by the callback. There are three main callback interfaces, each with its own use case:


    This interface is used by the flowFile, inputStreamCallback) method to provide an InputStream from which to read the contents of the flow file. The interface has a single method:

    void process(InputStream in) throws IOException

    This interface provides a managed input stream for use. The input stream is automatically opened and closed though it is ok to close the stream manually. This is the form you would use if you are only reading from a particular flow file, and not writing back out to it.

    An example is when you want to process an incoming flow file, but create many output flow files, such as the SplitText processor does.


    This interface is used by the session.write( flowFile, outputStreamCallback) method to provide an OutputStream to which to write the contents of the flow file. The interface has a single method:

    void process(OutputStream out) throws IOException 

    This interface provides a managed output stream for use. The output stream is automatically opened and closed though it is ok to close the stream manually - and quite important if any streams wrapping these streams open resources which should be cleared.

    An example is when ExecuteScript will be generating data, either from within or from an external file, but not a flow file. Then you would use session.create() to create a new FlowFile, then session.write(flowFile, outputStreamCallback) to insert content.


    This interface is used by the session.write(flowFile, streamCallback) method to provide an InputStream and OutputStream, from which to read from and/or write to the contents of the flow file. The interface has a single method:

    void process(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException

    This interface provides managed input and output streams for use. The input stream is automatically opened and closed though it is ok to close the streams manually - and quite important if any streams wrapping these streams open resources which should be cleared.

    An example is when you want to process an incoming flow file and overwrite its contents with something new, such as the EncryptContent processor does.

    Since these callbacks are Java objects, the script will have to create one and pass it into the session method(s), the recipes will illustrate this for the various scripting languages. Also there are other methods of reading from and writing to flow files, which include:

    • Using to return an InputStream. This alleviates the need for an InputStreamCallback, instead it returns an InputStream that you can read from. In exchange you must manage (close, e.g.) the InputStream manually.

    • Using session.importFrom(inputStream, flowFile) to write from an InputStream to a FlowFile. This replaces the need for a session.write() with an OutputStreamCallback passed in.
  • Now, on to the recipes 🙂


    Recipe: Read the contents of an incoming flow file using a callback

    Use Case: You have incoming connection(s) to ExecuteScript and want to retrieve the contents of a flow file from the queue(s) for processing.

    Approach: Use the read(flowFile, inputStreamCallback) method from the session object. An InputStreamCallback object is needed to pass into the read() method. Note that because InputStreamCallback is an object, the contents are only visible to that object by default. If you need to use the data outside the read() method, use a more globally-scoped variable. The examples will store the full contents of the incoming flow file into a String (using Apache Commons' IOUtils class). NOTE: For large flow files, this is not the best technique; rather you should read in only as much data as you need, and process that as appropriate. For something like SplitText, you could read in a line at a time and process it within the InputStreamCallback, or use the approach mentioned earlier to get an InputStream reference to use outside of a callback.



    import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
    flowFile = session.get()
    def text = ''
    // Cast a closure with an inputStream parameter to InputStreamCallback, {inputStream ->
      text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
      // Do something with text here
    } as InputStreamCallback)


    from import IOUtils
    from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets
    from import InputStreamCallback
    # Define a subclass of InputStreamCallback for use in
    class PyInputStreamCallback(InputStreamCallback):
      def __init__(self):
      def process(self, inputStream):
        text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
        # Do something with text here
    # end class
    flowFile = session.get()
    if(flowFile != None):, PyInputStreamCallback())
    # implicit return at the end


    var InputStreamCallback =  Java.type("")
    var IOUtils = Java.type("")
    var StandardCharsets = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets")
    var flowFile = session.get();
    if(flowFile != null) {
      // Create a new InputStreamCallback, passing in a function to define the interface method,
        new InputStreamCallback(function(inputStream) {
            var text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
            // Do something with text here


    # Define a subclass of InputStreamCallback for use in
    class JRubyInputStreamCallback
      include InputStreamCallback
      def process(inputStream)
        text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream)
        # Do something with text here
    jrubyInputStreamCallback =
    flowFile = session.get()
    if flowFile != nil, jrubyInputStreamCallback)

    Recipe: Write content to an outgoing flow file using a callback

    Use Case: You want to generate content for an outgoing flow file.

    Approach: Use the write(flowFile, outputStreamCallback) method from the session object. An OutputStreamCallback object is needed to pass into the write() method. Note that because OutputStreamCallback is an object, the contents are only visible to that object by default. If you need to use the data outside the write() method, use a more globally-scoped variable. The examples will write a sample String to a flowFile.



    import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
    flowFile = session.get()
    if(!flowFile) return
    def text = 'Hello world!'
    // Cast a closure with an outputStream parameter to OutputStreamCallback
    flowFile = session.write(flowFile, {outputStream ->
    } as OutputStreamCallback)


    from import IOUtils
    from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets
    from import OutputStreamCallback
    # Define a subclass of OutputStreamCallback for use in session.write()
    class PyOutputStreamCallback(OutputStreamCallback):
      def __init__(self):
      def process(self, outputStream):
        outputStream.write(bytearray('Hello World!'.encode('utf-8')))
    # end class
    flowFile = session.get()
    if(flowFile != None):
        flowFile = session.write(flowFile, PyOutputStreamCallback())
    # implicit return at the end


    var OutputStreamCallback =  Java.type("");
    var IOUtils = Java.type("");
    var StandardCharsets = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets");
    var flowFile = session.get();
    if(flowFile != null) {
      // Create a new OutputStreamCallback, passing in a function to define the interface method
      flowFile = session.write(flowFile,
        new OutputStreamCallback(function(outputStream) {
            outputStream.write("Hello World!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))


    java_import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
    # Define a subclass of OutputStreamCallback for use in session.write()
    class JRubyOutputStreamCallback
      include OutputStreamCallback
      def process(outputStream)
        outputStream.write("Hello World!".to_java.getBytes(StandardCharsets::UTF_8))
    jrubyOutputStreamCallback =
    flowFile = session.get()
    if flowFile != nil
      flowFile = session.write(flowFile, jrubyOutputStreamCallback)

    Recipe: Overwrite an incoming flow file with updated content using a callback

    Use Case: You want to reuse the incoming flow file but want to modify its content for the outgoing flow file.

    Approach: Use the write(flowFile, streamCallback) method from the session object. An StreamCallback object is needed to pass into the write() method. StreamCallback provides both an InputStream (from the incoming flow file) and an outputStream (for the next version of that flow file), so you can use the InputStream to get the current contents of the flow file, then modify them and write them back out to the flow file. This overwrites the contents of the flow file, so for append you'd have to handle that by appending to the read-in contents, or use a different approach (with session.append() rather than session.write() ). Note that because StreamCallback is an object, the contents are only visible to that object by default. If you need to use the data outside the write() method, use a more globally-scoped variable. The examples will reverse the contents of the incoming flowFile (assumed to be a String) and write out the reversed string to a new version of the flowFile.



    import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
    flowFile = session.get()
    if(!flowFile) return
    def text = 'Hello world!'
    // Cast a closure with an inputStream and outputStream parameter to StreamCallback
    flowFile = session.write(flowFile, {inputStream, outputStream ->
      text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    } as StreamCallback)
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)


    from import IOUtils
    from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets
    from import StreamCallback
    # Define a subclass of StreamCallback for use in session.write()
    class PyStreamCallback(StreamCallback):
      def __init__(self):
      def process(self, inputStream, outputStream):
        text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
        outputStream.write(bytearray('Hello World!'[::-1].encode('utf-8')))
    # end class
    flowFile = session.get()
    if(flowFile != None):
        flowFile = session.write(flowFile, PyStreamCallback())
    # implicit return at the end


    var StreamCallback =  Java.type("");
    var IOUtils = Java.type("");
    var StandardCharsets = Java.type("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets");
    var flowFile = session.get();
    if(flowFile != null) {
      // Create a new StreamCallback, passing in a function to define the interface method
      flowFile = session.write(flowFile,
        new StreamCallback(function(inputStream, outputStream) {
            var text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)


    java_import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
    # Define a subclass of StreamCallback for use in session.write()
    class JRubyStreamCallback
      include StreamCallback
      def process(inputStream, outputStream)
        text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream)
    jrubyStreamCallback =
    flowFile = session.get()
    if flowFile != nil
      flowFile = session.write(flowFile, jrubyStreamCallback)

    Recipe: Handle errors during script processing

    Use Case: An error occurs in the script (either by data validation or a thrown exception), and you want the script to handle it gracefully.

    Approach: For exceptions, use the exception-handling mechanism for the scripting language (often they are try/catch block(s)). For data validation, you can use a similar approach, but define a boolean variable like "valid" and an if/else clause rather than a try/catch clause. ExecuteScript defines "success" and "failure" relationships; often your processing will transfer "good" flow files to success and "bad" flow files to failure (logging an error in the latter case). It is possible



    flowFile = session.get()
    if(!flowFile) return
    try {
      // Something that might throw an exception here
      // Last operation is transfer to success (failures handled in the catch block)
      session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
    } catch(e) {
      log.error('Something went wrong', e)
      session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)


    flowFile = session.get()
    if(flowFile != None):
            # Something that might throw an exception here
            # Last operation is transfer to success (failures handled in the catch block)
            session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
            log.error('Something went wrong', e)
            session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)
    # implicit return at the end


    var flowFile = session.get();
    if(flowFile != null) {
      try {
        // Something that might throw an exception here
        // Last operation is transfer to success (failures handled in the catch block)
        session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
    } catch(e) {
      log.error('Something went wrong', e)
      session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)


    flowFile = session.get()
    if flowFile != nil
        # Something that might raise an exception here
        # Last operation is transfer to success (failures handled in the rescue block)
        session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
      rescue Exception => e 
        log.error('Something went wrong', e)
        session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)

    Hopefully this article has described the basics of FlowFile I/O and error handling, but suggestions and improvements are always welcome! In the next article in the series, I will discuss some more advanced features such as dynamic properties, modules, state management, and accessing/using Controller Services. Until then, cheers!


Hi Matt,

I created a simple implementation of a NiFi OutputStreamCallback in Python ExecuteScript and successfully transferred data to next processor in my flow. However, when I try to enrich the code and add desired logic to that, data is simply not transferred. I don't see any compilation error and it even logs suggest that ExecuteScript ran without any error. Appreciate if you could help. Below is the snippet which simply calls function and write data to the flow file.

import urllib2
import json
import datetime
import csv
import time
import sys
import traceback
from import OutputStreamCallback
from org.python.core.util import StringUtil
class WriteContentCallback(OutputStreamCallback):
    def __init__(self, content):
        self.content_text = content
    def process(self, outputStream):

page_id = "dsssssss"
access_token = "sdfsdfsf%sdfsdf"
def scrapeFacebookPageFeedStatus(page_id, access_token):
    flowFile = session.create()
    flowFile = session.write(flowFile, WriteContentCallback("Hello there this is my data"))
    flowFile = session.write()
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
        has_next_page = False
        num_processed = 0   # keep a count on how many we've processed
        scrape_starttime =
        while has_next_page:
            print "Scraping %s Page: %s\n" % (page_id, scrape_starttime)
            has_next_page = False
        print "\nDone!\n%s Statuses Processed in %s" % \
                (num_processed, - scrape_starttime)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    scrapeFacebookPageFeedStatus(page_id, access_token)
    flowFile = session.create()
    flowFile = session.write(flowFile, WriteContentCallback("and your data"))
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
New Contributor

Hi Matt! These tutorials have been incredibly useful for learning how to write ExecuteScript processors; jython in particular for me. One thing I'd love to hear from you on though: How do we read the contents of a flowfile, then create attributes with this information? I've created flowFile IO scripts no problem, and I've manipulated attributes without a problem, but I'm not sure how to make something that crosses the barrier, so to speak. I'll clarify with a short snippet of code below. Any help is greatly appreciated!

from import IOUtils
from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets
from import StreamCallback

class PyStreamCallback(StreamCallback):
    def __init__(self):
        # init stuff, or just pass
    def process(self, inputStream, outputStream):
        inputText = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
        # Process inputText
        thingIWantToPutInAnAttribute = inputText[0:10]
        payload = ''' Processing inputText... '''
        # to my knowledge I'm unable to write to a flowFile attribute from within this class.
        #   I could make it a class variable with self.thing = thingIWantToPutInAnAttribute
        #   but then I'm unaware how I can access it outside the class.
        # Write to file
flowFile = session.get(100)
if (flowFile!=None):
    flowFile = session.write(flowFile,PyStreamCallback())
    # How do I get thingIWantToPutInAnAttribute here?
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
New Contributor

I suppose an additional question; I assume pulling in >1 flowfiles reduces the overhead of importing packages in the executeScript process... Not too sure how true this is. True? Not true?

New Contributor

Answered my own question. This is a nice way of doing it I think! (didn't include imports or comments to save a few lines)

class PyStreamCallback(StreamCallback):
    def __init__(self):
        # init stuff, or just pass
    def process(self, inputStream, outputStream):
        inputText = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
        self.thingIWantToPutInAnAttribute = really_important_function(inputText)
    def thing(self):
return self.thingIWantToPutInAnAttribute flowFile = session.get() if (flowFile!=None): reader = PyStreamCallback() flowFile = session.write(flowFile,reader) flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile,'ThisIsAnAttributeName',reader.thing()) session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)

@Matt / @Peter, I have faced problems if incorrect input is passed to ExecuteScript processor and it would need some manual intervention to cleanup the 'buggy' flowFile. The job fails on Production and keeps retrying if we dont route the incorrect flowFile to FAILURE. I generally use try-catch strategy to move the incorrect flowFiles to FAILURE path and add the exception as a attribute that finally gets logged in nifi-app.log.

Modified example below using Peter's if construct-
if (flowFile!=None):

    reader = PyStreamCallback()
    flowFile = session.write(flowFile,reader)
    flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile,'ThisIsAnAttributeName',reader.thing())
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
  except Exception as e:
    attrMap = {}
    attrMap["Script.Exception"] = e
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)


Hi @Matt Burgess,

Thanks for this article, it is very helpful. There seems to be some formatting error in the code snippets however, making it hard to read. Not sure if its my browser or what. Can you fix/update the markup for this article?

Master Guru

I think it was an error in the blog software, seems to be fixed now?


Yep, looks good now! Thanks

New Contributor

formatting bug seems to be back. Please fix

New Contributor

I have an issue with Nifi v1.6 i was trying to write small python script inside ExecuteScript processor :Although i was just calling with Callback function:

the error is

org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: javax.script.ScriptException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=1343dc70-6750-4269-af88-d02784c07a44,claim=StandardContentClaim [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1533643252945-1, container=default, section=1], offset=675, length=61],offset=0,name=21873824285366087,size=61] already in use for an active callback or an InputStream created by has not been closed in <script> at line number

Code as follows

from org.apache.nifi.processors.script import ExecuteScript from import IOUtils from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets from import InputStreamCallback import sys, re import traceback from org.python.core.util import StringUtil class SplitCallback(InputStreamCallback): def __init__(self): self.parentFlowFile = None def process(self, inputStream): try: input_text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) input_list = input_text.split('\n') # Create FlowFiles for array items splits = [] splitFlowFile = session.create(self.parentFlowFile) for record in input_list: words = record.split(" ") if words[1].lower() == "running" : continue else: splitFlowFile = session.putAllAttributes(splitFlowFile, {'Application': words[0],'Status': words[1]}) splits.append(splitFlowFile) if len(splits) > 0 : for splitFlowFile in splits: session.transfer(splitFlowFile, ExecuteScript.REL_FAILURE) else: session.transfer(splitFlowFile, ExecuteScript.REL_SUCCESS) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise finally: if inputStream is not None : inputStream.close() session.commit() parentFlowFile = session.get() if parentFlowFile != None: splitCallback = SplitCallback() splitCallback.parentFlowFile = parentFlowFile,splitCallback)