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Check out the HDC on AWS technical preview documentation and learn how to use HDC to create clusters on AWS.

The steps are pretty simple, even if you are new to AWS:

  1. Log in to your AWS account or create one.
  2. Create an AWS key pair.
  3. Launch a cloud controller instance.
    • If you're just getting started with AWS, select the first deployment option.
  4. Log in to the cloud controller and create clusters.
  5. Use the link on the dashboard to log in to Ambari.

This documentation is work in progress. We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for improving it. Feel free to comment below.


Update: TP #1.7 is the latest version as of today. Same link.

Update: HDCloud GA is here! Check out the official product docs to get started with HDCloud for AWS. Or see this post.