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Currently, there is no option in Atlas to delete classifications from deleted entities through the UI. When an entity is deleted, its classification may still appear, but there is no direct method to remove it via the Atlas interface.


To delete a classification from a deleted entity, you can use the following API command:

curl -iv -u {username} -X DELETE https://{atlashost:port}/api/atlas/v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classification/{Classification Name}

Example: If:

  • Username: admin
  • Atlas Host:
  • Port: 21000
  • GUID: 95cdef42-8586-4933-b7b4-XXXXXXXXX
  • Classification Name: Test1

Then, the command will be:

The expected response should be:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

You can find the GUID of historical entities from the following resources:



Improvement Suggestions:

  1. Investigate the cause of classifications persisting after the associated entity is deleted.
  2. Add a UI feature allowing users to delete classifications for deleted entities directly.
  3. Implement a confirmation prompt to avoid accidental deletions.

These improvements will streamline the process, ensure consistency, and provide a more user-friendly experience, reducing the reliance on API calls.

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