Created on 12-03-202006:06 AM - edited on 12-03-202007:38 PM by subratadas
Final article of the hybrid cloud series (see parent article here), and it's the funnest one! In this tutorial, we will learn to use Cloudera Viz to create visual apps. We will not go in depth into how to use viz, rather we will import an already existing app, executing on this part of the tutorial flow:
Navigate to your Management console > Data Warehouse > Open Cloudera Viz:
You will be redirected to the default examples; Navigate to the DATA tab:
Then, click on Default Hive VW (this is your CDW VW):
Then, click on Import Visual Artifacts:
Finally, import the viz app (link here) as follows:
After clicking on Import, you will see a new app:
Step 2: Update each maps with Mapbox token
In order for the maps to display, you will have to add a mapbox token. I will only detail one of the three dashboard edit here, but you will need to do it for each dashboard.