Created on 06-30-2017 11:13 PM - edited 08-17-2019 12:25 PM
For example, while running from shell, we usually append the single quotes around the date type:
hive> select * from students where datestamp='2014-09-23'; OK fred flintstone351.282014-09-23 Time taken: 0.761 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
But in case of Hue, internally it doesn't append these single quotes and throws error on browse data.
1. Create table:
CREATE TABLE students(name varchar(64), age int, gpa decimal(3,2)) PARTITIONED BY ( datestamp date);
2. Insert:
INSERT INTO TABLE students PARTITION (datestamp = '2014-09-23') VALUES ('fred flintstone', 35, 1.28);
3. Login into hue -> Go to HCatalog -> Tables -> select 'students' -> Click on Browse data
4. This will generate error:
RESOLUTION: There is an internal bug reported. Please reach out to support.