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IBM Spectrum Scale 4.2.3 has been certified with the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 2.6 / Ambari 2.5 on IBM Power Systems. IBM and Hortonworks collaborated on an optimized and integrated solution that was validated against a comprehensive suite of integration test cases across the full stack of HDP components and Ambari. Testing covered secure and non-secure scenarios with Accumulo, Atlas, Falcon, Flume, Hbase, HDFS, Hive, HiveServer2, Kafka, Knox, Mahout, Map Reduce, Oozie, Phoenix, Pig, Spark, Sqoop, Storm, Tez, Yarn, Zeppelin, and Zookeeper. This certification is for Spectrum Scale software and hence applies to all deployment models of Spectrum Scale, including Elastic Storage Server (ESS). Further, this certification includes a paper certification for Hortonworks Data Flow (HDF) V3.0 use with IBM Spectrum Scale. IBM’s Power platform is already certified to run HDP and offers 3x price performance compared with x86.

IBM ESS (pre-integrated system powered by IBM Spectrum Scale) includes software RAID function that eliminates the need for the three-way replication for data protection that is required with other solutions. Instead, IBM ESS requires just 30% extra capacity to offer similar data protection benefits. IBM Power Systems along with the IBM ESS offer the most optimized hardware stack for running analytics workloads. Clients can enjoy up to 3x reduction of storage and compute infrastructure on Power Systems and IBM ESS compared to commodity scale-out x86 systems.

IBM Spectrum Scale is scheduled to be certified with HDP running on x86 systems by the end of July.

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