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Rising Star

ISSUE: We did see that Knox gateway servers failing to return Load balancer url after submitting a WebHDFS commands. It could be seen that the logs in the server as below,

2017-02-15 20:15:51,050 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Rewrote URL: http://<Gateway-server-hostname>:50075/webhdfs/v1/user/<username>/test2?op=CREATE&<usernam..., direction: OUT via explicit rule: WEBHDFS/webhdfs/outbound/namenode/headers/location to URL: https://<Gateway-server-hostname>:8443/gateway/production/webhdfs/data/v1/webhdfs/v1/user/<username>...

CAUSE: It is seen that corrupted deployment director (/var/lib/knox/data/deployment) can lead to this issue.


1. Take a backup of the deployment directory

2. Delete the directory contents

3. Restart Knox server (recreates the contents).

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