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1. Install MySQL data Directories on a Non-root partition (Not /var/lib)

2. Create a dedicated least privileged account for Mysql deamon

3. Disable MySQL Command History, Command History may contain passwords which is viewable by other users

4. Disable interactive Login

5. Disable login from nodes other than the those used by hive services

6. Provide only hive user permission to the Hive metadata database within MySQL

7. During installation do not specifify passwords in command line

8. Ensure Data Directories for Mysql has appropriate permissions and ownerships

9. Ensure only DBA administrators have full database access

10. Ensure that database logging is enabled for error logs and log files are maintained on a non system partition

11. Ensure that old passwords is not set to 1

12. Ensure secure_auth is set to ON

13. Consider if your Component can work with the MYSQL "Connect using SSL" option

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