# heavily remixed existing code
import os
import datetime
import traceback
import math
import random, string
import base64
import picamera
from time import sleep
from time import gmtime, strftime
def randomword(length):
return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(length))
# Create unique image name
img_name = '/opt/demo/images/pi_image_{0}_{1}.jpg'.format(randomword(3),strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",gmtime()))
# Capture Image from Pi Camera
camera = picamera.PiCamera()
camera.annotate_text = " Stored with Apache NiFi "
camera.capture(img_name, resize=(800,600))
Create an image using the Raspberry Pi official camera (I am using Noir). Add image text to each image. I place that script in a shell script and call it from MiniFi. I could use an execute script, I'll do that in the next one.
Using MiniFi to send over my images is easier (no weird conversions of binary data), safer, includes more provenance and is preferred over sending with MQTT. If my machine is too tiny (Onion Omega) or locked down, I would use MQTT.