ERRORS: Last few lines in the NM log before it hit SIGSEGV shows that there was Container Localizer running for a new container:
2016-10-20 01:29:05,810 INFO localizer.ResourceLocalizationService ( - Created localizer for container_e14_1475595980406_28807_01_000021
2016-10-20 01:29:08,308 INFO localizer.LocalizedResource ( - Resource hdfs://user/tmp/hive/xxx/5b0f04c6-ba2d-47dc-85c2-88179a1db407/hive_2016-10-20_01-28-15_091_3309851709548218363-3928/-mr-10007/df6632b4-ec58-4cdf-8ffb-c81460abc266/reduce.xml(->/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/xxx/filecache/150663/reduce.xml) transitioned from DOWNLOADING to LOCALIZED
ROOT CAUSE: Segmentation fault in a Java process is usually due to a JVM bug.In this case, user is on an older JDK version (1.7.0_67-b01).Updating to a more recent 1.7 release should be attempted to see if it resolves the SIGSEGV.