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***Take the backup of complete RANGER database before you perform any operation.


This can happen if you encounter any issues during the upgrade or required java patches are partially applied


1) Stop Ranger from ambari ui


2) Take fresh db dump


3) Login to the ranger database, review x_policy table and make sure all policies are available (If policies are missing, you may have to restore database from the backup taken before the upgrade and simply restart ranger service)


mysql> use ranger;
mysql> select * from x_policy;



4) Delete all java patches from x_db_version_h table


mysql> select * from x_db_version_h;
mysql> create table x_db_version_h_backup as select * from x_db_version_h;
mysql> delete from x_db_version_h where version like 'J%';



5) Start ranger service from ambari ui

This would take couple of minutes to re-apply all deleted patches. Once done, plugins will start downloading policies


6) Login to Ranger UI and verify whether policies are visible and plugins are in sync