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Sometimes, a node needs to be decommissioned or have undetermined downtime for repairs. If the node has a Resource Manager, move it to a new host using the Resource Manager Move Wizard from Ambari Web User Interface.The Resource Manager Move wizard describes the set of automated steps to be taken to move one Resource Manager to new host. Since YARN and Mapreduce2 will be restarted, a cluster maintenance windows must be planned and be prepared for cluster downtime.


This video describes how to move a Resource Manager to a new host using the Resource Manager Move Wizard from Ambari Web User Interface.


Open the video on YouTube here


To move YARN Resource Manager to a new host with Ambari, do the following: 

  1. In Ambari Web, browse to Services > YARN > Summary.
  2. Select Service Actions and choose Move ResourceManager. The Move ResourceManager wizard launches, describing a set of automated steps that must be followed to move one ResourceManager to a new host.
  3. Click Get Started. This wizard will provide a walk- through to move the ResourceManager.
  4. The following services will be restarted as part of the wizard:

    You should plan a cluster maintenance window and prepare for cluster downtime when moving ResourceManager.

    1. YARN
    2. MAPREDUCE2.
  5. Click Next
  6. Select the Target Host. Assign ResourceManager to new host. Click next.
  7. Review and confirm the host selections.
  8. Expand YARN if necessary, to review all the configuration changes proposed for YARN.
  9. Click Deploy to approve the changes and start automatically moving the  Resource Manager to a new host.
  10. On Configure Components, click Complete when all the progress bars are completed.
  11. After reloading the Ambari Web reloads, there will be some alerts. Wait a few minutes until all the services restart.
  12. Restart any components using Ambari Web, if necessary.

REFERENCE: (official product documentation) (community forum)

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