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This video explains steps to install the required support for Intel® Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library on a Hortonworks Data Platform version 3 cluster, over Linux CENTOS 7.


Open the video on YouTube here


ISA-L is a collection of optimized low-level functions targeting storage applications.
It is developed by Intel, and its name means Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library.

ISA-L includes the following:

  • Erasure codes - Fast block Reed-Solomon type erasure codes for any encode/decode matrix in GF(2^8).
  • CRC - Fast implementations of cyclic redundancy check. Six different polynomials supported.
    • iscsi32, ieee32, t10dif, ecma64, iso64, jones64.
  • Raid - Calculate and operate on XOR and P+Q parity found in common RAID implementations.
  • Compression - Fast deflate-compatible data compression.
  • De-compression - Fast inflate-compatible data compression.

To check for ISA-L library, do the following:

$ hadoop checknative 
ISA-L: false Loading ISA-L failed: Failed to load ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

For ISA-L support on CentOS 7:

$ yum install gcc make autoconf automake libtool yasm git 
$ git clone 
$ cd isa-l/ 
$ ./ 
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 
$ make 
$ sudo make install

To install the library precompiled from Hortonworks repositories: 

To check if the installation went well:

$ hadoop checknative 
ISA-L: true /lib64/
0 Kudos
Version history
Last update:
‎12-22-2020 11:08 PM
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