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DISCLAIMER: This is a method that is not recommended for any production use, only for development purposes. Only Cloudbreak official versions are supported, and upgrading to a non-supported version could cause unforeseen issues, and loss of official Hortonworks support. Moreover, this method only works for upgrades, not downgrades; downgrades would result in data loss.

Recently, I have been playing with Cloudbreak and have been needing to upgrade my local version. While it follows the principles detailed in Hortonworks documentation, I thought I'd share a quick step by step guide on how to upgrade to any version of Cloudbreak.

1. Stop Cloudbreak on your machine:

cbd kill

1. Go to and find the version you need (e.g. 2.8.1-rc.48)

2. On the VM where Cloudbreak is running, navigate to the directory where your Profile file is located. For example:

cd /var/lib/cloudbreak-deployment/

2. Run the following commands to download the binary:

export CBD_VERSION=2.8.1-rc.48
curl -Ls${CBD_VERSION}_$(uname)_x86_64.tgz | tar -xz -C /bin cbd

3. Verify the version:

cbd version

4. Regenerate assets:

cbd regenerate

5. Restart Cloudbreak:

cbd start
Version history
Last update:
‎01-04-2019 03:18 PM
Updated by: