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Rising Star

CDE is the Cloudera Data Engineering Service, a containerized managed service for the Cloudera Data Platform designed for Large Scale Batch and Streaming Pipelines with Spark, Airflow, and Iceberg. It allows you to submit batch jobs to auto-scaling virtual clusters. As a Cloud-Native service, CDE enables you to spend more time on your applications, and less time on infrastructure.

A CDE Session is an interactive short-lived development environment for running Python, Scala, and Spark commands to help you iterate upon and build your Spark workloads. You can use CDE Sessions in CDE Virtual Clusters of type "All Purpose - Tier 2".

resource in CDE is a named collection of files used by a job or a session. Resources can include application code, configuration files, custom Docker images, and Python virtual environment specifications

As of version 1.20, CDE introduces the ability to leverage CDE Resources when running CDE Interactive Sessions. This means that you can leverage files and Python environments when working with your data interactively.

In this example, we will leverage both CDE Files and Python resources to parse a YAML file.

CDE provides a command line interface (CLI) client. You can use the CLI to create and update jobs, view job details, manage job resources, run jobs,  sessions, etc. We will use the CDE CLI to run the following example commands:

Create the CDE Files resource and load a YAML file to it.


%cde resource create --type files --name myYamlFiles

%cde resource upload --name myYamlFiles --local-path cdesessionsresources/myyaml.yaml


Create a CDE Python resource and activate the environment.


%cde resource create --type python-env --name py_yaml_resource

%cde resource upload --name py_yaml_resource --local-path cdesessionsresources/requirements.txt


Allow a moment for the Python resource to build. Check the build status in the UI.

Next, launch the CDE Session:


%cde session create --name pyyamlSession --type pyspark --python-env-resource-name py_yaml_resource --mount-1-resource myYamlFiles

"name": "pyyamlSession",
"type": "pyspark",
"creator": "pauldefusco",
"created": "2024-05-13T23:47:29Z",
"mounts": [
"dirPrefix": "/",
"resourceName": "myYamlFiles"
"lastStateUpdated": "2024-05-13T23:47:29Z",
"state": "starting",
"interactiveSpark": {
"id": 4,
"driverCores": 1,
"executorCores": 1,
"driverMemory": "1g",
"executorMemory": "1g",
"numExecutors": 1,
"pythonEnvResourceName": "py_yaml_resource"


Open the PySpark shell and execute the rest of the following code from there:


%cde session interact --name pyyamlSession

Starting REPL...
Waiting for the session to go into an available state...
Connected to Cloudera Data Engineering...
Press Ctrl+D (i.e. EOF) to exit
Welcome to
____ __
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Type in expressions to have them evaluated.



Import the PyYaml Python module:


>>> import yaml
>>> from yaml import load, dump
>>> from yaml import Loader, Dumper


Load the data from the files resource:


>>> myYamlDocument = "/app/mount/sample.yaml"


Parse the file with PyYaml:


>>> with open(myYamlDocument) as stream:
        data = yaml.load(stream, Loader=Loader)

{'name': "Martin D'vloper", 'job': 'Developer', 'skill': 'Elite', 'employed': True, 'foods': ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Strawberry', 'Mango'], 'languages': {'perl': 'Elite', 'python': 'Elite', 'pascal': 'Lame'}, 'education': '4 GCSEs\n3 A-Levels\nBSc in the Internet of Things\n'}


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Version history
Last update:
‎05-14-2024 01:14 AM
Updated by: