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# Sandbox 2.3.2

# using postgres ambari database

# edit pg_hba.conf file in /var/lib/pgsql/data

# Add the following line as the first line of pg_hba.conf. It allows access to all databases for all users with an encrypted password:

host all all md5

### POSTGRES ###

su postgres
\c ambari
#list all tables
\dt ambari.*
select * from ambari.hosts;

### SQOOP ###

#check sqoop version

sqoop version

# get list of commands

sqoop help

# more command specific

sqoop help import

### DEMO ###

# Download Postgres Driver

curl -L '' -o postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar

# put in the sqoop library

sudo cp postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar /usr/hdp/current/sqoop-client/lib/

# list tables in ambari database / username ambari password bigdata

sqoop list-tables --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -P

# sqoop ambari hosts table into hdfs

su guestsqoop import --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -P --table hosts --target-dir /user/guest/ambari_hosts_table

# HDFS view the file

hdfs dfs -cat /user/guest/ambari_hosts_table/part-m-00000

# sqoop ambari hosts table into hdfs using --direct

sqoop import --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -password bigdata --table hosts --target-dir /user/guest/ambari_hosts_table_using_direct --direct

# sqoop ambari hosts table into hive

sqoop import --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -password bigdata --table hosts --hive-import --create-hive-table --direct


select host_name, cpu_count from hosts;
select * from hosts;


# Create Hive table

drop table if exists export_table;
create table export_table (
key int,
value string
row format delimited
fields terminated by ",";

# populate Hive with dummy data

insert into export_table values("1", "ExportedValue");

# confirm Hive table has data

select * from export_table;

# display the values in hive as hdfs files

hdfs dfs -cat /apps/hive/warehouse/export_table/000000_0

# export table to MySQL

# MySQL table must exist

su mysql
mysql -u root
create database export;
use export;
create table exported (rowkey int, value varchar(20));

# on HDP 2.3.2 Sandbox, SQOOP-1400 bug, use --driver com.mysql.jdbc driver to overcome the problem

# sqoop export from a Hive table into MySQL

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username hive --password hive --table exported --direct --export-dir /apps/hive/warehouse/export_table --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

# login to Mysql and check the table

su mysql
mysql -u root

use export;
select * from exported;exit;

Hello! I have been doing the tutorial using Hortonworks sandbox 2.5, but I hit a roadblock and I would like to ask for your suggestions on how to overcome this:

When running "sqoop export--connect jdbc:mysql:// --username hive --password hive --table exported --direct --export-dir /apps/hive/warehouse/export_table --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" I get the below error

ERROR manager.SqlManager: Error executing statement: java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'hive'@'localhost' (using password: YES) java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'hive'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I tried other passwords like "bigdata", "hadoop" but that did not work.

Thank you in advance!


I managed to go through by replacing username from hive to root and using password hadoop. Do you know what could be the reason the original export command with hive was not working?


Hello , even though I edited the pg_hba.conf file as mentioned above, I am asked to enter the postgresql data base password while copying the postgresql JDBC driver into sqoop client library . I am doubting about replacing the md5 with the current sandbox IP , May you please guide me about resolving this issue . Otherwise I am using the HDP 2.5


New Contributor


@Artem ErvitsThanks for the tutorial!

I have a correction to share. Command at step " # sqoop ambari hosts table into hdfs" needs correction

Current cmd: su guestsqoop import--connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -P --table hosts --target-dir /user/guest/ambari_hosts_table

Corrected cmd: su sqoop import--connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -P --table hosts --target-dir /user/guest/ambari_hosts_table


New Contributor

or another fix could be (if using 'guest' user. In my case I had another user):

su guest; sqoop import--connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -P --table hosts --target-dir /user/guest/ambari_hosts_table